New Year  - New Dreams 

Every minute the New Year is getting closer to us. Very soon we will be able to make the most cherished desire and it will come true. But I want this dreams come true very fast amd I do all my best for it. The most important gift that every New Year gives us is hope for the best and faith that even the impossible is possible! We piously promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that was not good for us in old year. And it’s for us something new, something what will not back to us because we started new! We open a book. Her pages are blank. We are going to fill them ourselves. The book is called "Opportunity" and we will begin write new story from our life . My story will be with you with  hope of something good. These are dreams of happiness. This is an anxious expectation that the coming year will certainly be better than the previous one, and all troubles, disappointments and sorrows will remain in the past...

They say: on New Year's
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov

 Faberge eggs  - When impossible - becomes possible - like in our life 

You know ....

You know what its - be happy ? I want to tell you  -  I will always appreciate those whom I cherish. Those who will think and remember me if I am somewhere far away. Those who will wait for the meeting, even if it will not be for long. Those who always support me, even if I'm wrong. Its as someone want to hug you. Doesn’t let you go. He can be silent with you and you will understand. He wants to smile and look with your eyes. He wants to be in love like you love . He will appreciate you in daily life. And he will want to kiss you and  will understand this you...

Russian Photographer Kristina Makaeeva

‏عزيز_بارودي ‏بوح_لا_يشفي_الغليل وتر_الريح

إليك ..
كل عام و أنت نبضي .. ياسمينة تعبق بالروح والجسد !

ثُلَةٌ من أغاني .. هيَ !
وَ باقةٌ من فَرَح ..
حُزمَةٌ من الأَماني
مُزنةٌ من العَبق !
وِعاءٌ أنيقٌ حَبيبتي ..من ماءِ الورد ..
نَبعٌ رَقراقٌ على الوَرق !
صَهباءُ .. صَهباءُ كَ زهرِ اللوز !
نَديّةٌ .. كَعودِ النّد !
سَخيةٌ كَ الدَفَق !
أثيريةٌ .. جَنآحُ فَرآشةٍ يَهفو !
كَمآ الشَغَف .. هيَ لآ تَعرفُ القَلَق !
حَسناءُ .. غَنّآءُ .. غَيداء
غآبَةٌ من الزَنآبِقِ
سريرٌ دآفِئٌ مِنَ الحَبَق ..
بَيضاءُ بَيضاء ..
أرقُّ منَ الندىٰ ..
أولُ الصبآح .. هي
ابتسامُ الشَفَق ..
هيَ كلُ الحَكايآ ..
هيَ كلُ الصّبايآ
هيَ مآ تَبَقىٰ من عُمر ..
يُراقِصُني بِكاملِ الألَق ..

‏عزيز_بارودي ‏بوح_لا_يشفي_الغليل وتر_الريح


Before I met you, I couldn't imagine living my life with just one person. Now, I can't imagine my life without you--the idea of one day without you is painful to think about! Before I knew you, "forever" was something I had heard about, but something I couldn't fathom. Now I know that we're supposed to be together, and no matter where I am, as long as I'm with you, that's where I want to be. You are my life, my heart, my soul. Because of you in my world, in my arms, I have everything, and I can't imagine what I'd do without you." I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life devoted to making you happy, committed to the eternal joy we will find together.
I love you and I need you. You complete me. You're a part of every fiber of my being, and you're constantly on my mind. You must be exhausted, always running through my thoughts by day and in my dreams by night.
I  want to grow up and grow old with you. I want to hold you in my arms and never let you go. I want to feel the warmth of your kiss and whisper words of love into your ear. You are all that is good and beautiful; you satisfy all the longing that was in me--body and soul. Tell me I will never again be relegated to a colorless, mundane world.

As I sit here in the quiet of my room trying to compose this letter and express feelings that poets have struggled to say, I am reminded of lyrics that might say it best: "Who knows how long will be our life ..only your eyes say it...

My heart in your hands....

So long as I can breathe or I can see, as long as you live, because that's what gives life to me now. I promise my love to you now and for the rest of my life. I love you with all my heart and all my soul. I'm here forever, by your side, for always. You mean the world to me, and I would do anything for you. You've taken my whole heart into your hands, and what I feel for you can never be replaced. Only you have my love. We're going to have the most amazing future ahead of us and, remember, our day is coming, sooner than we think! My love, I'm here to take care of you and to be together with you for eternity! With you..... my heart in your hands...

Photographer  Christian Spencer  -  was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1977.

When I was a child .....

When I was a child in Christmas time witchcraft was in my grandmother's house.
Christmas tree glistened with a beautiful colorful glow. In the night when the stars in the sky shone, and everything was asleep, Christmas tree toys - have come to life.

At my grandmother's house I kept the spare bedroom as my room with all her dolls in it. I had a fear of the dolls are alive when I was sleep.

Enchanted rocking horse, wooden little princess and carriage - everything became real. Used to wake up in the middle of the night, my imagination would let me see miniature animals, which were actually real and moving.  When I slept I had a feeling that my toys where  dancing around me so I stayed up with my eyes barrly closed I felt  how i am part of this story. I saw my toy soldiers climbing up a rope into a vase. And I know they weren't real but I did get kind a freaked out. I could hear drumming footsteps and bells ringing. I thought it was a group of toy soldiers marching off to war under my bed!It was like  live inside fantasy story. I used to believe that my dolls would come alive at night and that they would talk to the other dolls.
I remember pretending to leave the room saying "i'll be back in second" and was  hiding behind the outside of my bedroom door trying to peek at my bedroom through a tiny hole in my door looking at all my teddies and thinking" why are they moving?"
 I think it was not only with me. We all need magic in our lives. We  wants to believe that “that “ world is alive …

Don't count days


Don't count days and years...Stop your thoughts... Let them go...
Be here...
Be here with the real You...
Be present in the present moment... Feel it... Observe it..
It's yours everlasting moment...
Celebrate it!


photographer May Parlar

♡ Sometimes you just need an adventure to cleanse the bitter taste of life from your soul ♡
🌙🌚 ❂ ❉ ✯🌙🌚

Photographer Lee Jeffries


الوقت .. الوقت كفيل ان يمسح اشياء كثيرة من 
حياتنا ، اشخاص ، مواقف ، ذكريات ، لكنه لا يتجرأ على مسح الاحزان ، ولا مسح المشاعر ،
فهذه بقع ضوء لا تنطفئ .

Sweet childhood...

When I was a young child I would love to hear  that we were going on a trip. I was  full of excitement, because I knew that we would be going to a place that I had never seen before. It was very interesting . I loved these days with my loved people around me. I was safe and happy.
My childhood  the most innocent phase of my live and  the sweet memories of childhood linger on. My childhood recollections are those of a sheltered and carefree life, nurtured with love and concern. For me everything was a source of immense pleasure to them. There was never a word of reproach or censure against me
I have  memories, both from long ago and recent times, that we hold dear to us.My beautiful  memories  from chilchood get me through the hard days and keep me chipper in the good ones. The past is what makes us who we are. It shapes how we act, how we treat others, and simply just what we do on a day to day basis. For all of us memories are the little things that keep this world running smoothly. Imagine what it would be like to lose those memories. No one from us dont want  forget things to the point you were losing our past from our parents home. Berautiful time, smell  of the cake, warmth of mothers hands ..... my childhood....

قد لا أكون رفيق موعدك الأول، قبلتك الأولى، أو حبك الأول، ولكني أريد أن أكون الأخير.

Where are you when I do not see you ...
Where are you my angel , when I need to hug you tight ? I am here like lonely bird . Missing you each moment. You do not know that time run very slow without your smile .Want to say that you are my soul, you are the flower of my life!  Without you, I feel like a night sky without a moon.
You are my reward and hope, my  butterfly from the sky.And its the true .I am  just happy that I love. The soul sings a magnificent song, it is called Love. I want to listen to this song again and again ... What could be more beautiful?

I like this condition so much that I try to keep it in myself.  I believe only in my heart. I'm just happy that I love...

My life ...

Today at the night , I thought about the river that runs under the bridge, near my home .  I realized, it is that feeling  of melancholy.  That constant ebb and flow like wind what dance aroud me. I sometimes have felt like I have fallen off the bridge and splashed down into the river.I felt like I am falling into the abyss.

Today, I know  that I can just rest and float on my back to the water, in the river of melancholy, until I reach the shore. I then can scamper up to the bridge and start over at crossing to direct practice.  The river of melancholy supports me, holds me, allows me to recognize my adoption feelings without feeling that I can die....

Klempa on 500px via HuffingtonPost

You know......

You know… a woman should be a puzzle
wonderful, baby and sweet
She should believe in fairy tales and dreams.
A woman should be wonderful in soul and heart
To love and be loved by her only man.
She should love madly and deeply as she can
She should be able to laugh through her tears.
And should believe that the world lies at her feet and belongs to her and her lover.
You know….

Vadim Stein was born in Kiev (Ukraine) in 1967, where he got an education in the sphere of sculpture and restoration. From 1985 to 1992 he worked in the Theater of Plastic Drama - as an actor and a lighting designer. After leaving the theater he got keen on decorative sculpture and graphics. Then it became necessary to take photos of his own works. It was the beginning.
Now Vadim Stein lives and works in St. Petersburg (Russia), in the city of the white nights and the melancholy people. He is known here as a photographer, sculptor, and stage designer. Now he is trying himself as a videographer.