Victoria Rogotneva  - photographer

Somethimes we need be in silent with our soul .Silence helps us understand ourselves and tune in to our inner wisdom and creativity. When we are with people, silence can help us be present and connect with others. When we are stuck or confused, silence brings us enormous insights. We should to learn to quiet our mind so that you can harness the power of  our spirit. Only when we are silent that we can perceive the higher wisdom, higher energy.
Sometimes life throws us into the “abode of silence.” When unexplainable things happen, it can feel like you are all alone. There are days when our soul feels very sad and lonely – dark, silent, alone … horrible. Don't let our anxious thoughts convince us that we are alone. We are never alone.
Silence is not just lack of noise. It’s an empty space for our mind to recover clarity. If someone  think that silence is isolation - its not true .Silence its presence of something else, because when we are in silence, we make room for everything else.
Sometimes in this silent, we can find our self, we can find and understand our heart. Being with yourself is a journey into yourself. It's a touch of the soul. The soul you  can see looking into the eyes, because the soul alone thinks and loves.

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