What is in our soul ? 
Your soul is an ethereal counterpart to your human form that is infused throughout every cell of your body.As an energy separate from your human form, our soul is distinguishable from other souls by its unique vibration, just like our fingerprints. The soul is your higher self and mirrors much of your personality; in other words, even after your soul leaves your human form after death, you are still you!
Through the soul – through our senses and feelings we have a incontact with the world.
Soul  is not part of our Mind. Our Soul is what is left when you stop thinking of yourself as Mind and Body – when we just think of yourself as you - as you, yourself.
Some people feel as if their hearts and soul  are thinking .Maybe its a true. Is reason to believe, though, that there is also something like  communication between parts of the brain and between brain and body.There seems to be a strong connection, though, between the soul and the brain, where information becomes more measurable.
Somethimes , we think that our soul is cry or is very happy. We belive taht its real.Our soul is the essential us, which is not our body but our consciousness.
If you don't “have” a soul; you are not a human .....

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