A loving woman is like a cat ...


You know, a loving woman, she is like a cat ... Patiently and for a long time she is ready to purr on the lap of a caring owner. She will endure your silence and discontent. Your carelessness and indifference. She always humbly waits for you to change your anger to mercy, so that she can climb onto your knees again and enjoy your tenderness. Quietly, stepping carefully on the cushions of soft paws, she is ready to give you all love. She can give you her soul, just like that.

Because there is no need to break into the human soul. You can enter the soul slowly, carefully and very carefully so as not to inadvertently hurt painful scars or fresh wounds. Her soul needs tons of tenderness. But it will be worth it, because no one will be as grateful as cat. No one will ever be able to love more than she...

By Joel Ericsson

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