I love how it feels to be held by you. Your hands are warm against my skin, your timid gesture of tenderness. The lights are low and my heartbeat is loud. I can feel your hands shaking against my body with tremors brought by uncertainty. I want to tell you that it is okay for you to touch me. I know how much courage it must take for you to put your hands on me. I want you to know that I’m okay.
Everything about you in this moment is too familiar; the pressure of your hands on my body, the stickiness of your breath as it touches my face, and the feeling of you directing my body to the beat of the music.
The sight of you pressed against the blue sky, strikingly handsome with a smile flooding your face, was exactly the way I always imagined you as my prince. In that moment, the sun setting behind you, casting your hair into a warm glow, I began to believe the promises that you made to me — promises which spoke of hope and comfort and confidence.

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