

Like the rays of the sun breaking through the window in the morning - little miracles

It doesn't have to be a lot - just a few, sometimes one ... like a magical garden .. because after all, a little effort is enough to make it bloom in full splendor. Like a dream that you dream, the most beautiful dream.

We let magic into our lives. Magic and witchcraft happen when we create space around us. Like the buds on the tree, we calm the mind, listen to the heartbeat ... Love - a magical connection.

Together ... magic in our hearts ...

because ... Love is the highest vibration you can feel and there is nothing more magical in the world...

Photograph : Igor Egorov

I love Autumn


My beloved  I love autumn rains so much,

those ... the first drops that are waiting for that one moment,

and they fall without murmuring, without a doubt,

into dry land ... the are whispering - Wait, kind

get drunk with my drops, quench your thirst,

wash yourself with life-giving moisture

You fasted so long, so long you were resigned

come back to life, breathe ...

Photograph : Gorzycki Robert

New day begins ....


My beloved  -  new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

Somethimes when there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

Are situations when something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When you  see to be no hope, try to find some.

When life hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When  you will see another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When your day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be happy ....

Photo: Lucy Ketchum

I follow your heart.....


I  follow your heart. I can still let the mind get involved from a practical planning point of view. It does have its purpose and it can keep out of trouble.

....objective mind that is there to serve us and the Ego that lives in fear and doesn’t want us to do anything that it perceives as risky. Like a dance that we slowly learn as we move ahead in life.

I am patient with ourselves in the learning process .

I am creating a life I  love and I know that its good way.My behaviour is the first step in changing  everything  not helping us create what we desire with our life.

I listen to what’s in my heart. Try to see what new trails you can blaze....

Photo: Rarindra Prakarsa

He is not perfect ...


She think ,he is not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But always he can make me laugh at least once, causes you to think twice.Don’t analyze. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give. Always smile when he makes you happy, and miss him when he’s not there, yell when he makes you mad. Love him  hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.....

You know...


You  know,  life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. Frieds - true how many we have ?  Some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too.You try to be with half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling,care of yourself  because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about....

I found this one .....


I found this one , who completely turn my world around. You tell me things that you’ve never shared with another soul and I hear everything you say and want to hear more. You give me  hopes for the future, dreams that will come true.When something wonderful happens with you , you can’t wait to tell me about it, knowing I will share in your excitement. You are not embarrassed to cry with me when you are hurting or laugh. You never hurt  me ,my feelings only you  build me up and show you the things about yourself that make me special and beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when you are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what I will think of you because I love you for who you are. Songs or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever.Colours in our life seem brighter and more brilliant.  A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day  and always brings a smile to your face.Simple things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that you love and joy because yoo are with me. You find strength in knowing you have a true beloved and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that you are a part of your life...

I need ....


I need your kisses  in the dirtiest way and in the sweetest, soft way

I need to look into your eyes like the roarin' lioness i am and shock you with my gentleness 

My angel I am m hungry for you , hungry of your heart, your soul, your energy.

I need to touch your, not politely, wildly . Need to see  pulsating bodies only knowing how to dance togetherI need to feel how you take  my face and kiss me absolutely everywhere, because only you can satisfy my appetite, my soul's thirs - i am hungry of you ..

Photo : Tomasz Iskrzycki

Conscious love ..


Conscious love .. everything that was before it and what is to come is a conscious choice.

You consciously put your hand in his and then you walk together. You are not embellishing yourself, you are here and now ..

Conscious love, when you allow yourself to be loved, you respond to his kisses, his love. When you look into the eyes that love you.

Conscious love when you meet the one and you take a step forward together. The most important thing is that you are not afraid that it will never end....

Photo: Tomasz Iskrzycki

Be yourself ...


Be yourself - a great achievement. To love yourself -  even bigger. Without  accousation and without judging yourself. The heart always beats on the highest note. You just have to turn off the stumbling, sad thoughts in your head. It's good to find yourself naturally in a mirror maze. To be yourself ... Under a crumpled clothes - the right to choose is not up to anyone. Want to screm "I love you "! 

The air smells like apples, dry grass, sun. Free choice .. I like the madness with you, balancing on a thin line ...

photographer : DAVID LEE BLACK

A woman ....


A woman should be left with everything that is wonderful from you, pleasant feelings after warm embraces, the taste of your lips from kisses, vigorous thoughts about what you told her, pleasant feelings from great sex.

Your smel left on her body, your gaze of loving eyes.

Women live through emotions, so give her as many as possible...

My love i will come to you ...


My love , I will come to you at night, through a fog thick as milk

I will come to you barefoot, I will come although you are far away

And you will feel me burn, I tremble when you touch me.

I will come to you and you will kiss me,playing by his fingers over my naked flesh, breaking  the thin threads of shame

I will come to you in a dream, I will come to you love  dreaming with you dreams of love so that they never end…

photo by Dainis Graveris

I can not ....


I cannot spare you the worries in life, stress,but I can make you smile when you feel the spring rain on your face.I cannot give you solutions to all your problems, but I can always give you a helping hand, a hand that will pick you up every time you fall, feel lost, or cry. Your joys and victories, your successes are not mine, but I am happy to see your smile on your face. I can't make pain not exist, but I'll be where your  aching soul is. I'll pick up pieces of her when itwill be croushed. I cannot give you sun, but I can be the light that brightens your day and makes you enjoy life. I cannot change the past, my failures, but I can believe in you and your future, your power. I can't stop the sad moments, but I can wipe away your tears and offer you a shoulder to cry. I can not always be near you, but I am always next to you, whenever you need you, I watch over you like a guardian angel, like a shadow that is your weapon..

Your hands on my body ..


 You are the limit of my dreams! I am waiting to dissolve in you and feel all the bliss and warmth of our embrace. You are my luxury, my madness and passion. I want to kiss you gently, caress and cherish. Your tender lips on my body cannot be forgotten and not dreamed of again

I want to feel the scent of your body, the scent of your skin, the silkiness of your hair. Your hands on my body.....

I live your love ..


I live your love, tasting its taste every day as if it were matter. I live your love as if it were the only person destined for eternal happiness. I have everything .. everything that defines me as a human. I have you, I have fulfillment. I won the greatest happiness..

My love ....

My love without you, my eyes and mouth are so empty,

Laughter hid in the corner and sleeps. Your smile and your eyes give me strength for lonely days. They are the sun when the day rises and at night when I fall asleep they give faith that I will never be alone.

The evenings are long and no one knocks on the door.

Days pass, nights pass, but remember 

That It's bad for someone without you..

You know... I tried ..


You know, I tried to tell the world how beautiful your heart is - but I didn't know how - because the sun cannot be defined.

I tried to describe your soul - but I didn't know how - because I don't know how much goodness there is in the world, how much water is in the sea or how heavy the mountains are.

I tried to define your love - but I didn't know how - because I still believe that every season there is spring between us.

I tried to feel your touch - under it I bloom

like a rosebud grazed by a gentle wind - and I know .... An ocean of desire ... ... trembling madness.


Photo : Marta Zbieron

Paint me ..


Paint me in shades of sun and summer

In a wonderful dew and flowing drops. Paint me in green grasses and with the singing of the birds

Paint me with the wind blowing in my face

How the breath becomes lead.

Paint me alone among a thousand roses, among rainbow colors

Paint me nice, beautiful and trembling ...

Just paint me happy so that my eyes shine wonderfully

The most delicate and loved like the night star in the sky...

Fly and dream ..


Fly and dream, think about something wonderful, touch the sky in a dream and stars.

Believe that everything will come true and life will write us down. Believe in dreams and miracles, believe truly as in a fairy tale, love each other and give warmth, live without a mask and a lie. 

Think about happiness and not live in the past, cry with happiness and burn with love, forget about harm and tears. Keep all this wisdom in your heart, do not be afraid to jump into the abyss.

Because only then can you feel life in full color and brilliance...

I want to enter your heart and soul..


I want to enter your heart and soul , So that you cannot forget me.

Like air and sun - I need  you  and like a fire -I am  burning with you.

I want to wrap myself in blanket, in the embrace of your strong hands, to heard  - your heart's knock.

I want to enter your heart and soul, forever, not an hour.

May you be with me here…… and now…

Our way ...


In life, each of us chooses his own path

Someone wants to "forget", someone wants to "return" ...

In the deph of every soul we are looking for a "terrible secret" ...

Destroying what is, we believe in what is not exist.

After hundreds of mistakes and a thousand trials, we try to draw conclusions and so stumbling at every step, we build our life in our "waking dreams"

We ask questions and looks for answers - what is needed in this world ?

Therefore, other people's advice is useless bo nasze zycie shows our way.We see how hard is own life when the mind  not listen to the heart....

By Pedro 

Love ...


I can say  - Love -  two angels kiss

Love -  Let our angels dance and they protect us from adversity.

Love - the light in the eyes is playing how hectic life lighting up the path.

You will be there.... I know and  my heart stops

Peace and joy fill  my chest.

Love with you has blessed us and she gave guardian angels,

And our Love  united two souls into one and  gave for a single soul - two wings.....