In order not to get lost - hold me tight. The world is full of lost hopes lost hugs and kisses.
We are together - our shadows overlap because we are one in the middle of the world. We are one - our shadows overlap because we are  heart in the middle of the world.

In the dark of the night we dance like in a dream and only the moon kisses our feet...

I love how it feels to be held by you. Your hands are warm against my skin, your timid gesture of tenderness. The lights are low and my heartbeat is loud. I can feel your hands shaking against my body with tremors brought by uncertainty. I want to tell you that it is okay for you to touch me. I know how much courage it must take for you to put your hands on me. I want you to know that I’m okay.
Everything about you in this moment is too familiar; the pressure of your hands on my body, the stickiness of your breath as it touches my face, and the feeling of you directing my body to the beat of the music.
The sight of you pressed against the blue sky, strikingly handsome with a smile flooding your face, was exactly the way I always imagined you as my prince. In that moment, the sun setting behind you, casting your hair into a warm glow, I began to believe the promises that you made to me — promises which spoke of hope and comfort and confidence.

I look forward to a new life with you. I can see the spark of happiness staring into the distance. The brooks run deeper into the earth and the trees rise to the pale sky. A sweet breeze in my hair. Hidden in plants, I am looking for you. Somewhere in the distance, returning birds sing a wonderful song. I touch the growing leaves of trees and shrubs on which the spider has woven its cobweb. I'm going to you through the green meadow. We feel ech other. The tiredness and gray weather are over. Around me colorful  plants from blooming flowers and me go to you….

Men like......

Men like it when a woman is not afraid to be herself, to show the world that she does not care about the opinions of others. Men adore women who are passionate about something, who are proud of their achievements and know what they want. After all, men are not looking for a perfect woman, they are looking for a special one who knows how to stand out from the rest. They adore women who can express themselves both in style and in their personality.

Men loves woman when she is adventurous and fearless by nature.  With such a man, woman  feels free and happy to be part of her life.

Photographer Antonio Mora

Photographer Antonio Mora 

He is a spanish, creative photographer who transforms simple portraits into dreamy landscapes filled with intriguing emotion. In the series, entitled Dream Portraits, the artist elegantly blends two elements together to form an abstract fusion where distinct lines and shapes are no longer evident. The captivating portraits feature hauntingly beautiful faces that emerge from misty black and white forms like tree branches, rivers, bridges, and cloudy skies.

Quietly, without a sound  a night come to you. Tired eyes close like windows wrapped in beautiful eyelashes . Dreams come to your mind . Dreams, dreams - fabulous and colorful. You are in a different reality. Far, far away. You start your journey to an imaginary dawn. Your toys come to life. Your rocking horse transforms into a beautiful horse. Your sleepy adventure continues. Where are you? On a green meadow or in the starry sky? Doesn't matter. Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Now live your life to the fullest potential in your dreams .Your dream is fantastic and you want to stay in it… your beautiful dreams…
Photographer : Evgeny Matveev

Majestatic Wave Photos 

 photo : Giovanni Allievi

 Photo: Pierre Carreau

OUR LIFE ...........

Photographer David Orias

Sometimes you see your life like a rough sea. Alone you staring at the approaching waves. Every drop of water has a story - like our life. In every minute a new story. Stories long like breaking waves, and those short like water molecules. And those dead waves when we lose hope. Each of them is the past. High and low tide - like a passing life with joys and sorrows. Wonderful and dangerous waves. Our soul - the ocean's greatest element that exists. Soul - the unexplored relationship between matter and form. You have the ocean - sometimes terrifying, but also beautiful in an intriguing way. As unique energy emanates from our heart, so the sea has a beneficial effect on us. It is impossible to describe the peace - constant gentle movement of sea waves that never ends. Our peaceful and safe life - it is a completely open area with a view reaching as far as the horizon, on which the sea connects with the sky. A calm sea - our inner peace… Sea - one of the wonderful works of nature. It allows us to experience unforgettable renewing moments. Just like our life - wonderful and unforgettable....

You are my angel .. I know you are with me when I open my eyes. When I fall asleep you kiss me to sleep. In every minute, in every sigh of mine, in every dream of mine. I know you are with me. My angel - I  feel you by my soul , I feel you by  all my heart. Angel my, thank you that you are ...

Sometimes in life there is a day when everything falls apart. When  you think you have no way out ... When life loses its meaning and you don't want to get out of bed. When you feel sad and empty in your soul and your heart tears long notes. And then someone comes ... someone you know well. Who is very close to you. Someone who takes you by the hand and says - no matter what happens, no matter if it will be hard - we will follow the light. For two.. Wrapped up in our love - to the end..

Sean Bagshaw  - Photographer 

I am a landscape/travel photographer and photo educator based in Ashland, Oregon where I live with my wife and two sons. I started my photography business in 2004. Before that, I was a middle school science teacher. I have always been a traveler, adventurer and experience junkie (thanks mom and dad for raising me in the hills of Southern Oregon). I began taking photos in college because I wanted to record and share my explorations. Now I go on adventures with the main purpose of taking photos. When I'm not creating I enjoy teaching and sharing. It has been a dream to be able to combine photography with teaching. In addition to selling fine art prints and licensing my images, I teach image developing, lead workshops and give presentations when I can".

I fall asleep and wake up with your name on my lips. Sometimes I confuse my dreams with reality. I feel like you smell the wind and flowers. Today roses in our garden will flourish. Their delicate petals resemble your lips. Laughing, waiting for you - I dream that I will fly to heaven on the Angel's wings and take you with me. I will fly to heaven with our love and we will be together forever…

Phoptographer Vinogradof Florentin 

When love knocks us down, we say sincere and gentle things, think with our hearts, and act naively. When we are truly in love, the cherished words seem the most difficult in life.

Each of us has the right to love. This feeling just inspires us, makes us kinder and happier. Here I am now the happiest on the whole earth, because next to me you, my dearest, dearest, dearest. You are my hope and support in everything. You are just a real man. I was just fabulously lucky, and all my life I will be grateful to fate for such a gift. May our love be the most beautiful, the purest...

Our aura - our energy shadow. Healthy and strong as a cocoon around us. Source of acceptance and understanding. In the wonderful rays of the sun like a butterfly -I am  beaming and joyful I feel the power of existence.  Dreamy, I'm drowning in the imagination.  I draw in the smell of soil soaked in morning dew, close my eyes and feel the warmth of sunlight. I breathe in the smell of earth soaked in morning dew, I close my eyes and feel the warmth of sunlight. I am looking for light that heals from gray thoughts, gives hope ... I release small pearls that will ever live and bloom with butterflies.
I will throw my sorrows where they belong. I will take happiness in my hands - such is the icing on the cake.
Then my heart will catch the words: "Sun, lead me with joy in life ...

I want to drown in your arms
I want to divide this happiness for two
And catch all your movements.
I want to be one with you
I want to be confident in your thoughts

I want to warm your heart with our  love.....

Photographer Rarinda Prakarsa

Passionate about naturalism, Rarindra Prakarsa strives to create photos as faithful as possible to the reality he perceives, so that the spectator can feel the same fascination as he does when faced with the grandeur of the Indonesian landscape. He likes to cite the work of Walter Spies as a source of inspiration, a German painter who lived on the island of Bali in the 1930s and whose use of light, choice of colours, and representation of rural areas greatly influenced the photographer. Whether it be a tree, a river, or a waterfall, Rarindra Prakarsa uses the elements offered to him by nature to give a scale of interpretation to the spectator. The image Taking Shower with Buffalo was taken in the countryside on the main island of Java. The characters photographed are children, who play naturally with a buffalo and splash each other in the middle of a river.

A fluffy head, a small nose, funny ears ...

a tiny wonder. Sweet and innocent. A defenseless little animal. He wants our love. Unconditionally devoted. Although he walks his own ways, his little heart beats with love for those who are close to them. They are with us until the end. This toddler knows that there are still a few things in love. For example, gratitude. This love is also about trust. From him we can learn how important time is. How important is only to be together. Never mind that not enough space, that uncomfortable. The most important thing is that the beloved man is next to him.

And how not to love a tiny creature.. 
A fluffy head, a small nose, funny ears..

When you sleep, your dreams are visible on your face. Smile, tears ... sadness, joy ... . Your dreams surrounded by magic. Your dream story, like the love of someone who comes into your life and loves you the way you dreamed. Your dreams – your life .Shirt dream story in your mind .
Your sweet dreams – where most beautiful  things in life you can feel by your heart...

The lost in new world..

    Photographer Haitong Yu

I will come to you and we will get lost together. Our desire for a green meadow and sunny sky ... You know  - sometimes you have to get lost - new places, new people, new clear skies ... we have to become other persons. We have to die a thousand times and be reborn again. Give me courage to new life. First step ... then second .. every next easier. With wind , sometimes into the wind but together ...lost in the new world but how happy...

Joy exists - I know and feel it when you are with me. It's optimism, great as the sun that warms your heart every morning. You breathe deeply with the silence on our lips. My eyes kiss your lips. My heart flies through the wind to you. And I see an angel in a golden color. An angel of joy that puts happiness on your heart. Yes - deep music of love ... Joy - disentangling the road in the dark.. A perfect world ... unpredictable and incredibly beautiful .... Joy..

The lost and the lonely are waiting for each other. In the clouds, as in your hands, I'm looking for shelter.

Life swing - time changes everything. The heart sways in the soul like a bird in the wind. The secret of life ... peace in the heart. Time - from beginning to end. Sigh - understanding. Great unknown - life full of events, ups and downs. Let's start our path. Two - and yet "one". Our  life swing ...

Between me and you , there is big distance , At time i know..
You can , with a smile , take away this distanc, You have the ability to give me your hands , have the ability to give me life...

And dosnt matter how much time I will go to you , 
becouse You are my home ....

Photographer Joseph McGlennon 

Joseph McGlennon’s photographic works are majestic recreations of animals in their natural habitats – the first kangaroos to be seen by European eyes, parrots perching on a branch surrounded by exotic blooms, the extinct Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) fresh from killing its prey. McGlennon’s lens brings his subjects out of the realm of exotic specimen or historical curiosity and pushes them, living and breathing, into today. McGlennon takes hundreds of different photographs and spends weeks layering and arranging them to arrive at the final image. The landscape is as important as the animal itself – there are no blurred backgrounds or subdued foregrounds in McGlennon’s montages. The inclusion of every detail creates a hyper-real effect that pulls the viewer into contact with the flora and fauna that the planet stands to lose. Joseph McGlennon came to photography following a successful career in advertising. He won the 2015 William and Winifred Bowness Photography Prize for Florilegium #1, his picture of two parrots perched on tropical foliage, inspired by Joseph Banks’ botanical drawings.

My rose .......

Every petal is an illusion… I will embrace you without words, quietly. Will kiss you  so as to give the world its beauty, carefully preserving the inner content. Fragrant and filling the air with your  aroma.

You are my rose and  I do not  dreaming of some kind of magical rose garden that is beyond the horizon, instead of enjoying a rose that blooms right outside our window because everything   what I am looking for can be found in a single rose. You are my  one  and you are most expensive  to me because I gave you all your soul. My rose …..

Love is to be the way and the light. At our heart our lives. Unpredictable and mysterious. Full of spring sweetness, nostalgia. Like a star sky - full of magic and infinity.
A desire that never ends.
Love is rebirth every day, it is courage that gives us strength to do something we would never have done.Love it's a touch of mind ...
So I'm screaming in your name for the wind I fly, dream and live....