I will live in you, I will live in you in my melancholy.Like indelible ink on the paper that never fades.I will live with you , giving you my love and my thinks.I will live and taste our tomorrow, our rain and our sun.I will live thinking of the rainbow that makes dreams come true.I will live in you waiting for you in my silence. I want to be the rain that wets your beautiful eyes, I want  to be the sun that lights up your face and the air that crosses the border of the world. I will life for you with a heart that beats for you  every day..... Will be time be with you with all our dreams.....

Photographer : Pavel Kapustin

Give me ...

Give me words so that they warm my soul and envelop my heart.

Let me know that our hearts are together. Give me your smile and embrace me tightly.

Let me understand that I am your resistance and that you will be with me in bad and good time.

Close your eyes and kiss me hard like it is the last time and love me until the end of my life .....

Photo by Evgeny Loza

Do nit lose me ....


Please don't lose me

So much time had passed and the fate was ruthless.

And we, in the course of time, believed, longing.

Insomnia in your voice, paths of loneliness in your eyes.

All the stars are praying for us .... protect us please

So long ..... but now together.....

Photographer : Robert Gorzycki

Your eyes ..

 Your  eyes , your most beautiful part , hold many answers and emotions. Eyes indicated the antiquity of the soul. The eyes can speak. Your eyes always say you the truth. Like in yours, I can see all emotions, your beauty and charm. I can see smile through your eyes like  wild adventure. New voyage of discovery ...And only your eyes see what the mind is prepared to comprehend....

Photographer : Nastasya Parshina

To take care ...


Everythnig that happens, happens because a set of help for uou to receive according to the situation and time , has been prepared. So, stop thinking that you are alone... Start seeing with your eyes of the heart , so you can see that everything is there and is ready to take care .....

Photographer : Evgeny TOLKACHEV

You can be happy....


You can be happy. You can be fullfiled. But somethimes problems come when we are enjoying the happy moments in life. It is quite claer that the preasure is only temporary.....

Photographer : Vangelis Kalos 

Opened my heart ...


My love , we are together and  it  is like beautiful dream . I opened my heart  - and I know who I open up to  - as not everyone will value the importance of your mst inner thougs ans feelings about past even,I am only for you open book , because your soul and my  - one place in this word. May not always tell you what I am feeling deep inside , the emotions ...but I know that you feel it by your soul ...

Photographer : Mytnik Valeriya

Erotism ...


Eroticism it is a brain game. It is physical need to possess for the desire to be possessed.It is following the rhythm of each other ro enjoy each otchers pleasure.it is to take command to be governed. It is eward and punishment, It is not only sex. It is not just love ....

Photographer : Paushok Alexander

Innumerable curves ....


The gentle and innumerable curves make a womans body a provocative landscape, like new window to the world..The man in love never stops find out ! Ever swing, every movement pays off all new as on the day of creation . So , do not run away from pleasure.It is like perfume ... you can nt breathe without it.

Photographer : Dmitry Belyaev

You know where is our happiness...


You know where is our happiness ? Is in our hearts.In our mind there are unforgettable moments that live and will live  there  forever. Because happiness is a direction not a place, because happiness it is not a goal ,it is feeling from our heart. We should not waste time.Out time is limited and all secret of  successful life is to find out what is one^s destiny to do and do it  with you ..

And you know, my beloved....


And you know, my beloved, life is wonderful and amazing, but only on one condition ... if you notice and be surprised!

The most important thing is the will to live. Enjoy a sunbeam, a wild flower, a sparrow chirping on a branch... Almost everyone has the gift of being happy in childhood, but only a few can keep it for life... Do not wait for the time when the crisis will pass. Right now, smile, hug the one who is nearby, and mentally - those who are at a distance, forgive the one who is offended, close your eyes for a minute and, opening them, start life anew. Do not take it too seriously, do not look for meaning, benefits, revenge. Just live smile and love.

 It is not hard......

Photographer : Bruno Birkhofer (Switzerland)

I don't know what to tell you...


I don't know what to tell you, because sometimes the words are not important, let's just sit in silence ... let's open our hearts to hear the inner voice of love.

Let us sit in silence to hear the heartbeat, to hear with all our strength the rhythm of the soul.

I don't know what to tell you - just hold my hand and you will feel a feeling that is louder than any words....


 Love is a strange thing. It is an emotional connection that sometimes can make or break a person or two. We all have had moments where we were in love and then, we might have lost ourselves in the process due to the euphoria of being in love.And it is most fantastic feleengs in the world.....

Photographer : Margo Zuravlova

Be with me ...


Be with me my heart , like flowers with morning dew, 

Be with me in good and in bed time . Be with me when  the stars are burning in the sky andwhen the go out. 

Be with me when I smile and when I cry . Be with me when is ed wheather and when sun is shinning.

Be with me ... simple , today and tomorrow ... be with me till the end of my days ....

Photographer : Elvina Zabirova

You ...


You , my second part of me . I desire you so much that I belive I might lose reason. My body yearns for yours and I crumble every single time you touch me . I have tired to be stronger but memory of you inside me , burns me. No man has ever made me feel the way you did. I will stay thie unforgettablr moments for the rest of my life ....

                                                   Photographer : Vasil Baltaev

Too long ...

  I miss you so much , most at the night, when everything is sleep , is quite and when the silence reminds me that I am not sleeping by my dreams. My heart is yours and dont want to live my life without you. And you know very well that any moment spent away from you is too long....

Photographer : Evgeny Tolkachev 

You still remember ...


You still wonder why I love  you ? I can not explain you. Its like breatche in fresh air .I try to protect you in my hands.Because  beautiful things happen in our  life only with you , when we distance from all the negativy and drama .We give to our heart only happy moments because heart always remember the feelings.We should always rememember that it is our life and we will not let anyone make us feel quilty for living in our way ...

Photographer : Tomas Masoit

Love is like the sun...


Love is like the sun, like a world that opens up.

Without it, life is meaningless.

Youth changes a person, a magical flower blossoms in his soul, filling every cell of the body with its fragrance.

Love is in the heart and you draw it. You add colors every day...

I hope that someday you find ...


I hope that someday you find someone that gives you butterflies the moment you meet them. And that the first time you touch, it feels like electricity is running through your body. I hope that when you’re with them, you never want to leave. I hope you are the first and last thing they think about every day. I hope you play it cool in front of people, but can’t keep your hands off each other in private. I hope that when you give them your heart, they don’t break it. I hope that the things they tell you aren’t just things you want to hear, but things they want to say. I hope that you fit in their arms better than the last piece of a puzzle, and that you always feel safe when they hold you. I hope that when you fight, you fight hard, but that when you love, you love harder. I hope that once you find them, you can’t picture your life without them. I hope that they take your breath away. I hope that, together, you create happiness. I hope that with them, you’re not afraid of the future, but excited for it. I hope that, every day, they tell you how much they love you. I hope that when you find them, you realize it before it’s too late. I hope that you take them and love them and never let them go. I hope you find it....

Photo by  Anton Montbrillant

I love the feeling..


I love the feeling on the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my hair.I deciced to fly through the air to the moon and live in the sunglight with you and enjoy life.When a night surf is breathing quiety on the shore the regularity of the sound does not break the silence because sound renders silence as if it were a great fresh wind blowing away clouds. You can feel the body is dancing the rhythm of the song ? .....

Photography by Marc  Boily



Somethimes sorrow comes in handy in cleansing oue soul, and the tears are like peance to get us out from misfortune and come back to reality with a new error free spirit. And from this moment  we turnto the new page and start over ...

Photography by Vladimir A. Firsov

How life goes fast...


You know my love how life goes fast .. How one word of ours can change our thoughts. How the feeling that rages us can change our whole life. You know, my love, how our hearts beat and how one man can change us .....

Photographer : Aleksey |Kurlancev

You warm wind..


You warm wind, bringing delicacy. You, my voice of longing in the silence of the night, resonating. You are my storm of thoughts in my world. You my  joy and my world. You  my wonderful Angel.....

Photo by Evgeny Loza



My love, don't ask what the world needs ..

Ask yourself what makes you happy, and then do it.

The world only needs happy people - the world needs people like us......

Photograher : Wladimir Firsov

You are......


You are always worried about everyone

You always take care not to hurt others

You always show your loyalty to friends

You always have a word of consolation for everyone

You always talk - don't worry about me - think about yourself

You always give good advice to let others talk about your pain by putting your way aside.

You are always and you will be close ....

Phographer : Ron Levi

The preassure of your hands...

The preassure of your hands on my body, the stickiness of your breath as it touches my neck and  the feeling of you directing my body . The music slows you step under my dress. I want to be anywhere bu in your arms. I let you hold me as we move  throught the crowd.In my imaginetion touch me , play with me like my curves, give me what I deserve. I want you to caress me like a tropical bryze and I want to float away with you in the Red Sea. You and me  - fire and wind...

Photo by : Igor Egorov

The smel of you...


I kiss your shakes my soul spilling love , my hands over your body , my fingers are slow stes liek they are dancing on sighs. Touching your back I go up to heaven and down to hell running milimeters to meet you with my tongue.The smell of your hair , your kisses on my lips, the stroke of your touch , this warm feelings like fire inside ...

Photography :Georgy Chernyadye

You know...


You know love that every day I am fighting a battleinside of me. Not knowing  how I will be feeling or what mood I will be in.Some days I am very happy and feel like buterflay.Other days I am sad and I dont know how to life more , So I hide myself and my mood form the world. But when I think of you I touch the stars.I know that your power of love overcomes the word and I can will know  how to get peace....

Photographer :Aleksandr Meln

keep your heart open to dreams ...

My angel keep your heart open to dreams for as long as there is a dream , there is a hope , there is a love.Because it happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want in life. You keep the wonderful memories and your happines , but find yourself moving on ....remember my angel  if things are going good , enjoy it because it will not last forever. And if things are going bad , dont worry , it cant be last forever either ....

Photograher : Sergey Sorokin

If two hearts...


If two hearts are meant to be together , no mater how long it takes, no mater how far they go , no mater how tough it seems fate will brings thein together to share their love forever .Because little by little , day by day , what is meant for you will find its way for both  hearts.....

Photographer : Robert Gorzycki

Dmitri Lucewicz | Amazing Photography


Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

In the domain of feminine enchantment. Dmitri Lucewicz is an Estonian photographer located in Tallinn. Dmitry's interest in painting and photography is directly tied to the nature of his job as a make-up artist and colorist. The creative environment in which Lutsevich grew up had a tremendous impact on the photographer's future. His mother worked in the beauty sector and formerly engaged in numerous creative initiatives, and she once asked her son to help, which finally led to "a productive tandem," as Lutsevich puts it. The need to capture your outcome was the driving force behind purchasing a camera and studying the skill of photography. "What draws me to photography is the ability to fulfil my fantasies." In the photos, I demonstrate how I perceive this or that female. In each of my models, I stress femininity and refinement. "I present them to them, but from the opposite side," Dmitry explains. In terms of photography, Lutsevich employs the pictoralism technique. Inspired by artist portraiture, the photographer incorporates a person's personality, appearance, and attractiveness into his photography portraits.

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

Dmitri Lucewicz's Photography

In life ...


In life , beauty it is not something we see. It is something we disciver together. Like a beautiful soul, like beautiful mind , lovely morals and beautiful manners. Beauty what I offer you , its love without conditions, judging and attacment. Beauty of my heart to your heart, from my soul to yours ....

Photographer : Victor Vodolazky

Place your hands...


Kiss me and you will know , that we are moving in the right direction.

Kiss me and you will know how your touch is sweet and touching my heart.

Place your hands in mine , I will take you to heaven .....

Photographer : Robert Gorzycki

Your eyes...


Me beloved... your sad , your happy eyes told me stories.... You have never shared with anyone ... Simple moments full of laughter and loves ones.... make our life rich ...

                                                            Photographer : Andrey Kels

Someone will come to you..


Someone will come to you .. Someone who understand youe feelings..Someone who can not dance but dances with you anyway...someone who loves your smile  and gifts eaven if it is wrong size .. someone who get you laugh until you cry and knews exactly what to say to make you smile. Someone who always open your eyes for the world..someone who give you the best with heart..someone who show you course of your entire life ......

Photographer : Nastasya Parshina

Give me poetry music ..


I kiss your soft lips during gentle morning moments.Our love is beyond words, its more than few moments and beautiful memories, that only we can make. I look at your face and see your feelings by my heart. 

Give me poetry music , a luscious kiss. Give me wings of the raven , the sigh of the wind .....be with youthis morning and forever....

Photographer : Vasil Baltaev

The light dances on my body..


The light dances on my body, it makes circles in swirling colors. He kisses my thirsty lips. Light dances on my body like your hands, during  experience the act of fulfillment. The colors swirl around like the music of our whispers of love: red, green, golden ... kisses, frolic, love...

Photo by Pavel Kapustin



Female eyes and her tears, Her feminity and her feelings. Her joyand her sadness...I am with her and I am her resistance.Her beauty and her passion. Her strenght and her softness. Her charm in my heart...Between one tear and another , we rise and fall. Between one breath and another ... Between our heartbeats...

Photographer : Aleksey Puchkovskiy

Kiss me ...


Kiss me slowly, kiss me deep. Kiss me like you have forgotten any other mouth that your mouth has ever touched.Laugh into my mouth. Kiss me  with my face in your hands. Or your hands in my hair. Kiss me like you want to take me dancing. Kiss me like the first  and only piece of chocolate you are ever going to taste . Kiss me until me forgot how to count. Kiss my silent. Kiss me like first and last time ....

Photographer : Oleg Kovalenko

I feel your lips..


I feel your lips on my.When I woke up , and when I close my eyes. Feel your warm body and your smell. You are my first breath and my last . I feel you by all my soul.Your smile lick my lips and my heart beat my own.Every time when i feel your lips , I feel your love . Every time you lick my lips , I taste you . Only you and forever .....

It is your fantasy...


It is your fantasy that sees what it wants to see, not your eyes.The eyes see what is. If there is no fantasy,your eyes will they communicate their thoughts. Unless what you see is a glimpse, it is not reality. You decide what you want to see....

Photo by Mark Grass

I'm back without you....


I'm back without you, without your hand in mine

Tasteless of your lips, lips kissed in the rain.

I close my eyes to see you in my sleep, to see you wake me up in the morning.

I close my eyes to open them and see you next to me ...

Photo by Eugeny Levchenko