Body ....


Body shape - looks beautiful. You will fill empty places with warmth, taste and touch. The tongue will test the taste of beautiful breasts and neck.

You drink the sweet taste of love from my mouth, and the fingertips of your fingers will test the softness of my skin. You will feel my srca rhythm, wild, accelerated.

You will close your eyes and feel both of us with all your senses ...

Photographer : Dmitry Kolpakov

Tell me my love...


Tell me my love why the hours go by so fast when are you next to me? Maybe because time measures the sweetness of each, our kiss, or our smiling, happy faces and clasped hands accelerate it..

Or maybe, my love let's forget about it, and he will pass us by and will not make us look at the watch..

Photographer : Sergey Gokk

My thoughts missing your touch..


My thoughts missing your touch and I talk to you as softly as a bird when the sun drops in your eyes at dawn.In the warmth of your hands I blooming and with pale lips I touch wet skin.

I bear fruit with the brilliance of wonderful eyes and  saying a million whispers words hot as fire I scream to you, crying heaven for permission.....

Photo by Alexandr Shebanov

Music is like the wind...


Music is like the wind, that the mind cannot come close to it, and the dance is like the movement of a butterfly. Green and blue,  two shadows huddled together.Dance and passion like the touch and heat of fire. Music of hearts and space and there is timeless love like the flight of these butterflies...

Photographer : Constantin Shestopalov

I love you, don't forget it....


I love you just like that , for no reason and for no reason at all

It so happened that for me , you have become the best of thousands of men.

I love you, don't forget it .Very, very, and a little more ...

I love you in no way, and more life, and a little more.....

                                                   Photographer : Georgy Chernyadyev

You see how beautiful it is around us ...


You see how beautiful it is around us - that's all you really have.The past  will never come back, it cannot be recovered.Your life clock is running inexorably.Seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days and they fly like swallows across the all starts and ends in an instant. Life - the number of beautiful moments that take your breath away.Look around - how beautiful the world is. Life - own world, inner - the noblest way of being...

Photography : Курлянцев Алексей

In the recesses of my soul....


In the recesses of my soul, as in a quiet corner, my femininity is dormant.Awakened senses burn the body. Nostalgia after our meeting spills over.Your lips, wandering over mine, were drinking nectar like bees.A soft caress, like the touch of an angel. You - me - one body - one blink.In the recesses of my soul shines a light that ignites into a bright, great flame when you are near.Such wild, passionate .. we sail far on the waves of music of love. You - me - one...

Photographer : Roman Filippov

There is only one world....


There is only one world in which my soul feels at home ... This is the world of your beautiful eyes ... There is only one world in which my hands do not obey me ... This is the world of your beautiful body ... There is only one world in which my lips are burning with fire passion ... This is the world of your kisses ... I want you! 

Come to me !.....

Photographer : Vasil Baltaev

I will turn your humble dreams..


I will turn your humble dreams into a sweet reality full of desire. I'll do whatever you want, my love. A dream will change me. I will reveal your secrets that you did not even know yourself. Always with your love ... far away, crazy,  with no respite.....

Photographer : Andrey Kels

I can love you for all eternity, eaven more..

I can love you for all eternity, eaven more. Here my hand - hold it tight and don't let go.I know you will be there, even when I cannot call you and support me with your gaze.When there is no more strength, when faith is gone, you will always be there.You will help to fix errors and never turn your back.And I will love you for all eternity and more to the edge of heaven.Here is my hand outstretched to you - hold it tight and don't let go.....

Svetlana Efimova

I love the way you kiss me...

 I love the way you kiss me, I love the way you touch me, I love the way you make me so happy, and I love the way you make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world. You are such a special man and my heart smiles every time you walk into the room. I love sharing my life with you and can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

I love the way you kiss me, the way you make me laugh, the way you say hello, and all those little things that make me love you so much.

I love the way you kiss me, the way you hold me so tight, I love all the things you do, and when I see your face, it makes me realize that I’m a lucky guy...

Photo by Athos K. Florides

I will wrap you..


I will wrap you with a delicate flower.I will hide myself  in its petals.Hidden in the garment of your hands, I will enjoy the trembling of my body.You will  flowing with my thought, like a stream of wind. Beautiful smile on your face and in dreaming eyes. Far up to heaven .. We are like a rose that blooms in our hands and needs water to live. Wrapped in flower petals, I want you...

Cold water...


Cold water encircles my heart, longing, my soul dies,

full of hope, tenderness, I wander between the waves. Let me find myself among the flowing cloudes

Don't hide between the stars, help me find myself

In cold water and longing, I cry ...

I float to emptiness, to loneliness until I see you..

Photographer : Alexander Timofeev

I am so greedy missing...

So greedily I long for your touch, I am so greedy missing your mouth, 

I am so greedy waiting for your soul ... constantly, greedily, like enchanted with a glass of miraculous wine, I crave your touch, I crave your taste.

I was lost in your love, I was lost in your eyes, in your embrace. 

I am immersed in your love ...

Photo by Athos K. Florides

Another sleepless night ..

Another sleepless night .. wrapped in a warm blanket, with a cup of coffee I stare at the starry sky.

Another sleepless night brings a handful of miracles and wonderful memories of your face that have not lost their clarity over time.

Another sleepless night and only with stars like with friends I can talk to....

Photographer : Koekin Konstantin

A little sparkle ..


A little sparkle in the eyes - and the world looks different.Kisses taste sweet, words touch deep.Happiness is every smile, every good deed, new day, new message, dream come true.

 A little sparkle in the eye - a moment that stays in your memory forever and although time passes - it does not pass.

And you, who give me unforgettable moments in my life...

Photo by Natalia Borysenko

You are the flower...


You are the flower of the mimosa shrouded in the light of the sun

You are a blue cloud racing across the sky

You are the raindrop running down your face

You are  moon and the star cradling me in your arms.

You are air and hope

You are a part of me ....

Phptpgrapher : Igor Egorov

Lost in dreams..


Lost in dreams, I am swimming far.Like the singing of a swan that flows on the surface of an azure lake.With a kiss, my thoughts flow to you. My dreams -  they wrap me around  like water  lily.Thirsty for your caresses like spring water.Dreams thirsting for the heat of the soul .. I'm looking for you next to me..

Photo: Rarindra Prakarsa

One flash..

One flash, one moment for the rest of your life. Woven world in millions of drops. One of them is you.

Made for each other - two shiny drops. Life flows within us like a rushing stream. You flow to me like a drop that knows the It's the magic of woven into a million drops. A piece of heaven locked in our hands. Bathed in glow .. Two drops fill the space, the world between us ...

Photographer : Anton Robert

Don't burn the bridges..


To tear the bridge down - it's so easy to burn it down, not to look back.It is light to crash while flying high.

It's easy to break a wing and then you won't fly into the sky.Why harm, what was dear in our life ...

Not to believe in deception, in empty dreams. Go your new way. So that it was light on the soul, that no stone or fire would destroy dreams.Don't burn the bridges, maybe they will be your mainstay again..

Photographer : Evgeniy Rapiaschenko

Like a miracle..


My beloved, there are times when it seems to me that you are only a mirage, fleeting knowledge, a figment of my imagination. Your eyes are like a separate galaxy with planets unknown to mankind. Your smile is like the light of the rising spring sun, it is able to warm and instill warmth in my soul. Your hands are like unshakable rocks, when you embrace me and hold me in your arms for a long time, I feel incredibly safe, as if these hands could protect me from everything in the world, from any misfortune, against all adversities. Your voice spills out like a whisper of oriental herbs, enchants my thoughts. Like a miracle butterfly woven from a million dreams .....

Photography : Ivan Kulikov

You know..


You know, maybe many would say that I am banal, and my girlish dreams are out of fashion a long time ago and they do not interest anyone. But no matter what, I still want to be myself as nature made me. Do you want to know about my dreams? I dream of always being by your side. May you be my leader, my idol, my lantern, my preacher. I want to follow you, after you, absorbing your speeches, looking you in the eye, openly and sincerely. I want to love you, I want to make you happy. I dream so much to fall asleep under your "wing" and wake up immediately to see your eyes, your smile, feel your warmth. I want to accompany you to work, kiss and wave a pen after you, cook various delicacies for you, wait for you, be bored, look out the window and jump out into the street to meet you. I want to be always in your arms, I want to feel your strength, your protection, your love....

Photo: Oleg Antimoni

My beloved...


My beloved, my one and only, my own man. Without You, not only is it hard for me to breathe, but now I can't breathe without You because you have become my air, my oxygen. Without you there is darkness now because you have become my sun, the light of my heaven. Only my hand is in your hand, that's all I need from fate. Just your eyes that look at mine. I am asking for not so much...

Photographer :Yakubov Ruslan

When your heart is crying...


The hardest thing to smile is when your heart is crying ......dreams, regret, smile and tears, gestures and hope ..Why is it so hard to understand.. Like ice that drips and turns to water, it tries to reach you. You dont hear me, you dont see me, though you look at me from a distance by your beautiful soul. 

And my  heart does not make conditions when it cries the quietest because  suffers losers. You dont see me  ..

                                            Photo by Marianna Mills

You are water for me...


You are water for me, a stream and a wave. You are a grain of sand on the beach that wanders along the shore. Together - lovers - we sail through each other. You clench my hand, and your lips roam the sky looking for mine.

I am drunk on you like the sigh of the sun. My heart in love drowns in your soul and sings like siren looking away.

The secret of our love - a sweet image - a spark in the sky. Sweet melody of life ...

Photographer InesThomse

I'm waiting for you...


I'm waiting for you with a glass of wine, thirsty for you and your mouth.

I will cover you with love, thirsty  like a freshly picked flower thirsty for your caresses

Like spring water, I will drink every note from your lips thirsty for your breath

My  senses will dance  with desire in the sonata of your fingers they touch  to me, by climbing to the mountain peaks of dreams...

                                                            Photo by Georgy Chernyadev

I believe my eyes and my heart....


I believe my eyes and my heart, I believe in another, my man. I accept his pain and his happiness. And when I do not have enough strength to fight the adversities and my own demons - I cuddle up in his arms.

And then I know that silence is the best answer to all questions.In this silence, I know that I am absolutely loved and that he finds solutions to all problems.This is our way in life. We meet different people in our lives and only this one person can change our lives.It is he who will save us in life, or we save him - our fate, our karma, our life together...

Photography by Ines Thomsen

Somewhere in the nooks and crannies of my soul....


Somewhere in the nooks and crannies of my soul a little pixie lives, green meadow full of dandelions,

There reigns joy which dispels sorrows, joy - the great miraculous energy of the elixir of life.

Somewhere in the recesses of my soul lives joy.

Joy - life - a short moment composed of pleasant moments, thousands of regrets and millions of sorrows, or maybe millions of joyful moments that we do not notice, thousands of regrets that we brood over and a few sorrows that we exaggerate.

Somewhere in the nooks and crannies of my soul a little pixie lives,,,A blissful feeling of happiness.....

                      Photogtapher : Igor Egorov

Don't worry my love....


Don't worry my love, don't worry..

With flowing hair, with a beating heart, with hopeful thoughts, with a soul full of love,

I run to you like an orphan thirsty for love,I fly to you like a longing butterfly.

When I finally touch your hands every whisper will become a loud scream And we will only be for ourselves.

Don't worry my love, don't worry....My soul travels to you every day.....

By Zachar

I need you....


I need you more and more with each passing day and with each passing day more and more  I need you. The farther we are from each other, the closer we are to each other.You know that without you my soul cries, and my heart runs as fast to yours.How beautiful the world can be, how happy days can be....And when night comes and I can't sleep, I look at the stars in the sky shining at me in the dark. Your eyes are so happy and your smile expresses love.And this bond between us is getting stronger every day, and the soul cannot do without you.... You are more and more needed by me every day, more and more expensive every day...

Photographer : Igor Egorov

If you want to see ...


If you want to see the beautiful sun that sighs in the clouds - look at my soul.

If you want to see the moon sleep on a cloud - check my mind. Forget the word longing, throw it away.

If you want to know how the wind holds your breath - look into my eyes.

If you want to know if the rain can cry - listen to my heart.

Kiss my love and don't worry about it fading away.

Look at the rays that surround me and if you want to know who I am - love me......

by Dmitry Yulin

There will be always ...


There will always be love for those who want to receive and give it, There will always be hope for those who are not afraid of challenges and difficult situations.There will always be magic for those who have souls full of love, tenderness that are beautiful.There will always be today, the present moment for those who know how to enjoy the moment.There will always be miracles for those who can see fairly  things in small things and greet each day with faith and optimism.There will always be hope and love and a safe place for those who are waiting for a warm embrace.There will always be sunshine for those who manage to overcome their own limitations and barriers...

by Maikl Wet

Unknown souls....


Where is the closeness of unknown souls?  - comes from loneliness. Because when the world seems empty - she comes - she souls a stranger who cares for everything. In the stream of other souls, she alone is destiny. For a moment, for years, for ever ... it comes to end loneliness and you can enjoy every moment of life.

No words are needed, just a look, one breath and one blink - and for the whole life - mutual understanding....

By ferdinand-studio

Please take care of yourself ...


Please take care of yourself because you are like the sun at dawn.

Day and night I breathe you and you bring joy in 

Take care of your smile, the tenderness of your hands, the honesty you radiate around in return

Take care of yourself beloved because you fill my whole world with yourself....

By Ben Heys

Let me be in your tender..


Embrace me for hundreds of kilometers and by a thousand miles,

Let me be in your tender embrace and feel an uneven breath of love.

Let me drown in your arms and breathe love.

I open the heart of my door and hide the key from others.

He will paint his dreams with colors because  in each of them your heart breathes....

Woman and Autumn


The woman and the Autumn are similar. Autumn is capricious, and so is the woman. Autumn can be warm and sensitive and the woman surrounds you with her heart.

Autumn can be cool and cloudy, a  woman - perky and bellicose.Autumn can be rainy, a woman cries for no reason.

Where autumn is foggy, a woman surrounds herself with an aura of mystery.

Both are mutable ... because they are both similar...

Janek Sedlar

I see you in my eyes..


I see you in  my eyes.. You don't know even that I am here. Always  with you , always in my mind. 

I am here with my imperfections. I am looking on you with love ...

Photo by Sergey Schulga

Your lips..


You are talking to me, I look at your lips

and I can't hear your words

It's just letters...

But I know their taste..... God has not invented anything more delicious..

Life tastes like old kisses...


Life tastes like old kisses, it's part of my being.The most important thing is to find someone who can touch my soul without touching my body. Find someone who will make my heart beat faster without accelerating the course of events. Someone who will move my world while allowing me to stay where I want to be. And even when I am far away, I'll be much closer to you than all the people around you.....

Photo by Andrey Kels

My beloved ..

My beloved- let's be silent.We haven't seen each other for so long.What beautiful sparks are in our eyes.My soul is an empty room, there are only emotions in it.I am waiting for your reaction.We are together like naive children.Let us be silent because silence is our strength.We haven't seen each other for so long but our hearts shattered the darkness and we'll be together again...

Photo: Jan Blasco

Years go by ...

Years go by - I'm starting to notice how the arrows of time are moving.  I try to like green tea. Laughs I'm not 20 years .I'm getting old and I'm not ashamed of my tears. I appreciate comfort and a breath of fresh air. I look at the world with open eyes. And I think about friendship and about us in a different dimension. I thinks of us in a different dimension. I am happy with every moment. Life …We walk in circles on the water our happiness is a rainbow in the garden..

Photo By: Swapnil Jedhe

Someone in heaven..


Someone in heaven is praying for us. He asks forgiveness for our stupid things

Someone in heaven gives us a second Chance, and gives us hope and wisdom.

Someone in heaven whispers, just live. Leave fear and disbelief behind you

Someone in heaven loves us and believes, protects us on our way of life

Someone in heaven, He, and the Angel and Friend, are fighting for us

Someone in heaven frees us from anxiety

He heals us with faith and hope for a lifetime....

Photo by Davide Cantelli

Do you know .....


Do you know, my beloved, that there are souls made for each other?

Against evil in this or that world,

they will find themselves, they will attract and they will unite forever.

Do you know, my dear, no day will happen again no two nights are alike. 

No two looks are the same. But my beloved are souls made for themselves who believe in the voice that presses into the heart....

Photo by Denis Goliusov

My angel ...


When love appears, an angel flows between people, which no one sees except those who love each other.

We two people in a completely strange place, each seemingly looking for something different and yet going in the same direction. We finally found our place there, at the end of the world. My angel, I was looking for you when happiness was carried away by the wind. My heart is a mirror and still looking for your reflection.

My angel, I love your body, soul and breath. It's romantic. Love is not a whim.Our  love is not a flower that fades with age. Our love is a choice linked to action,  and I choose you and I will choose you every day for the rest of my life....

Photo by Лозгачев Алексей

Of the night ...


Our bodies are entwined in a loving embrace. Wrapped in a soft mantle of night and a starry sky.

Burning in trembling madness of pleasure, we embrace our longing in the arms of the night ...

Photograph : Vasil Baltaev

Touch me ..


My body is waiting for your hands, when you paint love with your fingers.

You replenish me, when you draw patterns of love on me

and my skin feels your passion.

So, dear, touch me tenderly, because over and over again...

I want to feel the chills enveloping me with all the pleasure

Touch me as always, she wants to burn again and drown in the sweet ocean of feelings.

Touch me  tenderly .. I want to feel your body against my body, like heat from a devilish angel ....

by Jo-Cookee

Delicate raindrops...


Delicate raindrops run down velvet petals .. this is how love is born,

This is how you love in the natural rhythm of flowing water,. As we are already in our arms, we smile like flowers giving birth to new petals.

Small drop  hesitates when indulging in a wonderful moment. This is how it feels when love prevails over reason.

Water drops run down the petals of the flower ... our happiness locked in drops of water and only free thoughts find the way

to our trembling lips, moist with emotion, like a weeping leaf.

And you become the sun in a crystal drop in my heart

you pulsate with fulfillment ....

Photo by Dustin Humen

The dance of life ....


Like a body that trembles in all its nakedness, thirsty for touch.

You wrap your arms around my whole body.

With your warm breath you blow through my hair, sinking your fingers into it completely.

With a soft trembling hand you wander over the body you love.

I creep silently into your mouth to taste sweet bliss

The dance of life ... as dragonflies dancing over the wave in the pond. We will dance the waltz of fulfillment ...

Photo: Evgeny TOLKACHEV

There are several roads leading to the top...


Apparently, there are several roads leading to the top, it is only up to us which one we choose.

Happiness comes from a combination of thousands of factors. There is no golden recipe for them. This does not mean that there is no point in applying for it. Living beyond love is absolutely unhappy and unbearable. Unloved man becomes an enemy to himsel. We were created by Love, and apart from love, we have neither the present nor the future.

„There is a kind of happiness that is being in the right place at the right time, a kind of inspiration that only tells you how to do the right thing in the right way, and all of this comes only when we clear the heart of ambitions, goals, and plans when we surrender this fortunate, providential moment entirely „ Gregory D. Robrts

A slave to self is someone who lives without love. He uses his thinking to deceive himself. He uses emotional sensitivity to hate himself and others. He uses conscience to mix good and bad. He uses freedom in such a way that he loses it. And while life is about more than being happy, happiness gives us freedom and an inspirational heart. Love is an inspiration to search for meaning. It is discovering inner beauty, discovering your own soul…

     Fm  Erez Marom