Two hearts..

Souls that vibrate with the same frequency without touching each other - create eternal magic.
Souls that are in perfect synchronization find themselves in time.
Empathy resonates with waves that reach where we direct our thoughts. No outer beauty can charm two hearts singing the same song. Because when such a strong bond occurs, one beauty is one soul of two hearts..

Powerful of love

Love is universal and relatable. It crosses cultural lines, language barriers and knows no boundaries. But as wonderful as love is, it can still be difficult to express these emotions in unique and creative ways. But words can be just as powerful as love...

To live in you..

You meet the other person in your life who doesn't care about your past because  he only wants to be part of your future. To be there every moment, in breath,in look,in feeling, in tenderness. To be every wish - to live in you..

Each of us..

Each of us has an inner sense of what is beautiful and what is ugly, what is good and bad, what is valuable and what is just what. Fly high above your wits. So...Look for your half to reflect a part of you. You have treasure to find. Become a hunter of good times. Only your feeling, your well-being, sovereignty, anger - are the messengers of your truth. Respect what you feel, because every emotion is sacred.Although the ideal world seems utopian, don't be afraid to improve it. View the world from a different perspective - from a bird's perspective..

Two bodies in one world..

I woke up in a magical world. This world amazed me - light, shine, sounds. Feelings and emotions revived. Your laugh and your eyes. I love the moments when you smile. It is the morning sky in the glow of our secret ... Shiver of emotions. Your eyes - my mirror and you, like a shining star, destroy every darkness. You touch my lips in a silent, peaceful flight ..We live in ourselves - two bodies in one world..

Pieces of heaven ..

I collect pieces of heaven every day, smile to the new day. I gather strength like beads on the beach and protect them all day long. I open the door to feel the fresh wind, I imagine the window of my darkest thoughts and turn it into my inner heaven. I feel a beautiful day every day when the sun shines inside and outside my soul because you are with me......

so .. life ..

So….life…. we should not  lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us beautiful time as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal, like your beloved heart and true soul.
So many things about your life are difficult right now. Things you used to take for granted—now seem beyond your reach, but  together everything is possible in this life . Your relationships are also affected. The people who love you are looking for some emotional response from you, and you can not fall them ..

If you come ....

My angel if you come ,you  will take my lips with your mouth as soon as you walk through the door  . You will take my body and my mind to ecstasy without talking in the shade or pillows. You will make me fall down there surrendering in your arms .On the wing , in flight , beating out the rhythm of a lovers heartbeat , soaring together higher, delicate motion forever, climbing as one to a new height....