The winged souls fly fast whilst we embrace. I faith in my dreams and someday my rainbow from the sky  will come smiling through to me no matter how my soul is grieving now . We embrace  each other strong but very sensitive. Your hands  - my dream . My heart is where most of the love that I give to you comes from. I  am loving you with all that I am. Loving with my soul embraces the person whom you are completely. I love you with my heart and soul…and you should absolutely know about it. You deserve to know! I left my soul behind with you and I dont want never get it back. Its very devastating to love with the heart and soul. I will never be the same woman. I’m totally devoted for life. I feel that true happiness is worth more  than gold . Meaning two are better for the world being together happily than being apart. Embrace me  and we will findall our answers in look in  twin flames....

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