Bodyscapes fine art by John Poppleton

What you think when we mix our bodies with the universe ?
thats exactly what John Poppleton did his paintings
least i can say that its masterpieces shine with magnificent 
lets see 😍

Photographer  Margarita Kareva 

Russia-based photographer who specializes in fantasy art photography. Her photographs beautifully portray women that have been transformed into fairytale princesses and witches. She adds surreal elements to her shots that make the photographs really stand out, combining Photoshop manipulation with real props. In an interview with Rosphoto, she explained that she finds inspiration for all her photoshoots in fantasy books.
Kareva’s work is constantly evolving and growing because she took up photography just three years ago. Her portfolio is already full of vibrant, magical and creative images. Kareva’s story proves that it is never too late to take up a new hobby – you just need to “learn every day, all your life”.

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever”

Photographer Vadim Stein

Vadim Stein was born in Kiev (Ukraine) in 1967, where he got an education in the sphere of sculpture and restoration. From 1985 to 1992 he worked in the Theater of Plastic Drama — as an actor and a lighting designer. After leaving the theater he got keen on decorative sculpture and graphics. Then it became necessary to take photos of his own works. It was the beginning. Now Vadim Stein lives and works in St. Petersburg (Russia), in the city of the white nights and the melancholy people. He is known here as a photographer, sculptor, and stage designer. Now he is trying himself as a videographer.

Dance with me ......

 Photographers : Vadim Stein

Hot heart and deep love will never give up. They will overcome all difficulties of fate - ALWAYS! 

القلب الساخن والحب العميق لن تستسلم. سيتغلبون على كل مصاعب القدر 

Love your  life ...

Life is like a river - calm and quiet, rough and restless..
The only thing that stays the same is that life neither waits or stands still. We survive everything. And in the end we all die, because everything in this universe “dies” one day.
But now  - we are here ! I want to say you - Love yourself, love others, love life. Love well, live well. Hold on, but not so tightly that you don’t remember to let go and enjoy those beautiful moments as they fleetingly pass by. Stop and think, appreciate, reflect, learn, grow, and keep moving forward. Life is what you make of it, right? Let us honor the beauty and complexity, the individuality, the community, that we experience by being alive, by living better together, becoming happier, and making each other happier, by showing that we care.

photo by  : 

Story ....

From the ash box  to Wojtuś
little spark is winking
Come, I'll tell you a fairy tale
the fairy tale will be long.
Once there was a princess
who fell in love with a musician
The king gave them a wedding
And the fairy tale is finished.
 Once there was a Baba-Yaga
She had a cottage made of butter
And only wonders had in there...
Oops, and the spark went out.
 I will never believe you again.
you small spark.
First you blink, then you fade,

and there goes the whole fairy tale.,,

Wild beautiful nature ....

Photographer : Rodrigo Friscione Wyssmann

Beautiful body ....

Photographer Russell James

Can say  - All women who live on this planet have something in common, that is the human body. Our bodies are remarkable in both form and structure. Certainly, in many dreams, nudity is often presented when we are unsure about aspects of waking life. We are all naked underneath clothing.

Naked body  - Desire. Want. Hope. Curiosity. Aggression. Fear. Disgust. Uncomfortable. Anger. Yearning. Helpful. Helpless. In Need

الجمال الذي يرضيك هو الذي يشف عن صورة روحك بغير ما يخيّلها لك ماء الحياة 

The beauty that fulfils you is beauty that reveals to you the image of your own soul without the distortions of the murky waters of life

Female happiness..

By Kristina Ohl - Boyd

To learn how to become happier, to achieve female happiness, your great desire is necessary. This is the main recipe for becoming happy. After all, far from failure makes a woman unhappy, namely the attitude to what is happening. Everyone in life experiences troubles, but they should not become an obstacle for you, let them be a bridge to gaining happiness. One has only to believe in yourself, to discover the strength in yourself to achieve your goals - and you will understand how to become a happy woman.

After all, the most important thing in life. These are all the little things. The most important thing is to have a happy family, a loving husband, home comfort. This is fidelity to your spouse, a manifestation of care and love for each other. This is a children's laugh that wakes you up in the morning. This is the native hand during times of difficulty. This is support. This is Love. This is respect. This is happiness. This is family. And family is the warmest place on Earth ...

Time .....

How fast life goes by? “Year ago she was young … now she sees gray hair and a wrinkled face”
How it happened , when “ ? Longing for youth, a life full of magic. Now reflection comes to her . Where is the beauty of her face, glittering youthful eyes? The smooth face disappeared. There are furrows and each of them has its own story. But she  are still beautiful! I’ll ask the question again: Who does she see when she  looks in the mirror? The answer is her soul! Yes, that’s her  beautiful soul staring back at her! She looks at yourself with love , but this love is different because she watches how her face softens and fills with love.With love and experience . Life reflectes her emotions in her eyes. And although her body is nor longer beautiful and young ,her heartand soul are full of love and still young . Although her path has an end, she loves and desires just as many years ago

Me and you ...

By  Dawndra-Budd

Me and you - one world. There is no one around. One body, one heart - beating for both of us.
 A fulfilled soul full of emotions, dream light and star light . You and me - two breaths in one. Heaven will help us .And the soul rushes to you - For the first time and forever...

ويلثم مني كلّ جزء لثامها
بكلّ فم فى لثمه كلّ قبلة
فلو بسطت جسمي رأت كلّ جوهر
به كلّ قلب فيه كلّ محبة

Every part of me kissed her veil
With every mouth whose touch held every kiss
If she dissolved my body, she would see in every atom
each and every heart filled with each and every love..

Photographer : AshleySmith

بدر البدور بحر البحور
سرّ السرور سرّ ربّاني

Your face .....

Beautiful mornigs when I see your face in every sunrise .Much colors of the morning are inside Your eyes ... in the light of the day I look up to the sky and say You're beautiful.
I am grateful for the beauty of your eyes and of and that you are . ...
I am  sure, you will be glad to start a day with your lovely feelings! Do not forget to yhink , how beautiful can be day  ; how nice is this morning.
I want make your  morning be sweeter than it is usually!

As you wraps me  loving arms around us, me too become wrapped in the power morning   Do you know this all powerful, yet ever so tender love?  Do you know....

Your beautiful eyes star into the distance.
Dew drops on your face. Dew is a pretty amazing in the sun Most beautiful which i saw ever.. It just appears out of nowhere. Seeming almost magical, it is suddenly there–sparkling like diamonds on a field in the early morning light. I see like refreshing miniature drops of water clinging  to each little strand of grass and flower. This drops are in your face like small stars.
Dew creations many  beautiful pictures .He refreshes your face .He encourages us to continue on our journey with sun –one more day.
Dew from heaven.

Wonderfully tiny drops down your lips .... as if heaven surrounded you..

Photographer  Marc Gruninger 

وياااااه الحياه هتحلي وانا معاه هو ده اللي انا بتمناه واللي عيني شيفاه احساس

Look inside yourself.... for you...

My soul is delicate and sensitive like a flower in the wind. Voices of love dancing on the winds breath. I can feel your lips dancing with mine among each written stanza.
Flower vines curl from my fingers .Between us - sea of love  .. of beauty, too frail, too delicate..
Clear sky has large blue eyes.My soul  with golden light and rainbow hue dancing . Red lips delicate to the touch  turns your face to the sun.
You are my wind. You whip my face. The heart blossoms with full splendor like a sensitive plant that opens for a moment in the sunshine, but curls up and shrinks into itself at the slightest touch of the finger, or the lightest breath of wind. ...

We with our love …two angels in the wonderful light of life..

Photographer  Miss Aniela

Miss Aniela was born in Leeds, 1986, and studied BA English & Media at University of Sussex.

She is now a fine-art and commercial photographer based in London. Miss Aniela’s work has been exhibited internationally in Europe and the US, with representation in Madrid, LA and San Diego, and six solo exhibitions to date. Her work has been featured in numerous media worldwide, including NY Arts, El Pais, ALARM Chicago, Vogue Italia, BBC, and American Photo. She is the author of two photography books, Self-Portrait Photography and Creative Portrait Photography (both Ilex/Pixiq, worldwide.)

أبلغ عزيزًا فى ثنايا القلب منزله
أنى وإن كنت لا ألقاه ألقاه
وإن طرفى موصول برؤيته
وإن تباعد عن سكناي سكناه
يا ليته يعلم أنى لست أذكره
وكيف أذكره إذ لست أنساه
يا من توهم أنى لست أذكره
والله يعلم أنى لست أنساه
إن غاب عنى فالروح مسكنه
من يسكن الروح كيف القلب ينساه


حتى تحترق النجوم وحتى تفنى العوالم ،حتى تتصادم الكواكب، وتذبل الشموس وحتى ينطفئ القمر، وتجف البِحار والأنهار ،حتى أشيخ فتتآكل ذكرياتي ،حتى يعجز لساني عن لفظ اسمك ،حتى ينبض قلبي للمرة الأخيرة،فقط عند ذلك ربما أتوقف،ربما

“Until the stars burn out, and all worlds end, until the planets collide, and the suns wither, until the moon’s light dies, and the rivers and seas run out, until I grow so old that my memories fade away, and my tongue cannot say your name, until my heart beats for the last time, only then .. will I maybe stop, maybe”

My home ....

Home it is not only word or place . It's a part of each of us, where warmth and light are protected. It's beauty in simplicity and freedom where you can be yourself. It's a place where close people are next to you. Home is where our heart is.....

Passion - beautiful word in love . U know that the love you feel is powerful, unique, and special - generating a myriad of feelings and emotions begging to pour out.. You know, those special little things like a gentle touch to your hand, a loving caress, or those little sounds of pleasure from an arousing kiss. I am sure that this little things mean a lot. The little things you notice show that I am  paying attentions. It shows my chosen person that I care. I want to take a few minutes, right this second, replaying those special memories in your mind. You should use your senses and feel. You do not need to be a poet, simply let your emotions take over and capture under your mind. You want to create a strong impression  in your heart and create your own romantic flair. Do it ! Romantic words were created to help you express those fiery feelings of love, desire, and passion.  You should meant to experience what you give in return. I want to say you beautiful  words to communicate the rightness of my love. Believe me, that  you are special person in my life and i know that  you will appreciate your efforts.

Because passion  I feel when we touch each other, we we kiss each other and when I look at you. You are my passion …..

Photography Ed Pereira