The waves...


The waves are rolling gently up to the edge of the sand, then slowly rolling back out to sea.You can feel the sand between your toes as you walk hand in hand with that special someone.You’re trying to think of the words to tell him how you feel about him …But nothing comes to mind.What really matters to me in this world is what I cannot possibly think about because the power of love that comes with it is too large to comprehend. But I am sure you will understand how much I love you when all I do is always pointing at what will make you happy....

Give him ....


Please God - give him happiness

I'm so far away and I can't alone

Please protect him and always be with him, no matter what path he has chosen.

Please - do not judge and forgive him all sins.

And if he stumbles - always help him get up .....

The wealth....


The wealth of my heart is inexhaustible, as deep as the sea ...

As deep as my love, the more I give, the more I get

Both are endless.....

Belive in your own abilities..


Believe in your own abilities -  not in the stars,

When you stop worrying about what others think about you - you become a free person

The power that can change your destiny is just your thinking

Don't compare yourself to anyone

You are not worse than others. You are yourself ! And no one can replace you

You are not worse than others. You are yourself ! And no one can replace you !.......

Photographer Magdalena Berny

Photographer Magdalena Berny

She is an amateur photographer from Poland. She's the mother of 2 children. Her adventure with photography started with recording the events..


Aways with you

I am always with you and you are with me and talk to me like you always say.
Talk to me as tender as ever.
Laugh at what makes us laugh, at the little little things we love so much.
Smile when you think about me.
I'm not far away - I'm always right around the corner.
In my heart you will find your heart.

And your smile is my peace ...

Photographer Vladimir Fedotko

Fedotko Vladimir (1967) was born in Leningrad, Russia. He lives and works in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Film (now St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television), studied at the Herzen University in the Faculty of Fine Arts...

Photographer Nadezhda Shibina

Nadezhda Shibina is a Moscow creative photographer and owner of a photo studio. She mainly uses fairy tale and fantasy styles, but also other old-fashioned or Victorian ones. Here, the most cute photos of kids she made at her studio..

Two hearts..

Souls that vibrate with the same frequency without touching each other - create eternal magic.
Souls that are in perfect synchronization find themselves in time.
Empathy resonates with waves that reach where we direct our thoughts. No outer beauty can charm two hearts singing the same song. Because when such a strong bond occurs, one beauty is one soul of two hearts..

Powerful of love

Love is universal and relatable. It crosses cultural lines, language barriers and knows no boundaries. But as wonderful as love is, it can still be difficult to express these emotions in unique and creative ways. But words can be just as powerful as love...

To live in you..

You meet the other person in your life who doesn't care about your past because  he only wants to be part of your future. To be there every moment, in breath,in look,in feeling, in tenderness. To be every wish - to live in you..

Each of us..

Each of us has an inner sense of what is beautiful and what is ugly, what is good and bad, what is valuable and what is just what. Fly high above your wits. So...Look for your half to reflect a part of you. You have treasure to find. Become a hunter of good times. Only your feeling, your well-being, sovereignty, anger - are the messengers of your truth. Respect what you feel, because every emotion is sacred.Although the ideal world seems utopian, don't be afraid to improve it. View the world from a different perspective - from a bird's perspective..

Two bodies in one world..

I woke up in a magical world. This world amazed me - light, shine, sounds. Feelings and emotions revived. Your laugh and your eyes. I love the moments when you smile. It is the morning sky in the glow of our secret ... Shiver of emotions. Your eyes - my mirror and you, like a shining star, destroy every darkness. You touch my lips in a silent, peaceful flight ..We live in ourselves - two bodies in one world..

Pieces of heaven ..

I collect pieces of heaven every day, smile to the new day. I gather strength like beads on the beach and protect them all day long. I open the door to feel the fresh wind, I imagine the window of my darkest thoughts and turn it into my inner heaven. I feel a beautiful day every day when the sun shines inside and outside my soul because you are with me......

so .. life ..

So….life…. we should not  lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us beautiful time as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal, like your beloved heart and true soul.
So many things about your life are difficult right now. Things you used to take for granted—now seem beyond your reach, but  together everything is possible in this life . Your relationships are also affected. The people who love you are looking for some emotional response from you, and you can not fall them ..

If you come ....

My angel if you come ,you  will take my lips with your mouth as soon as you walk through the door  . You will take my body and my mind to ecstasy without talking in the shade or pillows. You will make me fall down there surrendering in your arms .On the wing , in flight , beating out the rhythm of a lovers heartbeat , soaring together higher, delicate motion forever, climbing as one to a new height....

Fall in love with life ..

Do not hesitate with love. Fall in love with life. Love deeply  how only you can. Don't put your life off for later. Live now and pursue plan your life now. For the wisdom of the body is much deeper than the wisdom of the mind, which is not as mature. Your body -it is your land, you are rooted in it. Consciousness - is the tree of your body. Thoughts are like fruit. Meditation is like flowers, so go deeper into the book of your body, turn the pages and you will learn the whole secret of life...

photographer : Roberto Manetta

Breathe you...

We sit looking at the stars, we appreciate their shine.Sure of another sunset and sunrise. Closer than ever. Without any envelope, without the mask of a perfect life. With a beautiful smile on my face...., and yet I am afraid that someone will discover my longings and my hopes.I smile magical to you.. Life  - join our hands together, wrap your fingers around mine. I want to feel what it is like to breathe you again.....

Like the wind ..

Drop of water, gust of wind. The breath of life in the rustling leaves. Life - a creative inspiration. Wonderful in every detail. We walk together, fingers tangled, eyes sparkling with love. It's not enough to love .You still have to know how take this love in your hands, and carry it all my life. Because true love begins when you expect nothing in return. Like the wind that sways the trees true love is the desire to give something to someone - not receive it...

Photographer Victoria Haack

Viktoria Haack is an editorial, landscape, portrait and wedding photographer based in Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada and available to travel worldwide.

My journey ...

My journey came to a half the moment i found you. With you I will start another journey accompanied with many laughter, love , ecstasy and passion. I want to see the world with you  and through your eyes  I believe this is our love  and it will grow up. Our travel will be  very  inspirational, it will  forces us to grow  as a couple. ... in love with adventures, so I begin to wonder, if that's why I've fallen for you. ... Some souls just understand each other upon meeting ...

Photographer Waclaw Wantuch

(born 1965) is a Polish photographer mostly known for his Nude work. Graduate of the Cracow Academy of the Fine Arts; graphics artist and art photographer. His an author of the books Krakow (2001) and Akt (2003). He lives and works in Cracow, Poland.

You are...

When troubles come dont  to mourn the loss of hopes and dreams.Our hearts need to go through many process.
You   know that there is no corner of creation that  your heart doesn’t touch. You  know that there are no events in our life that we  is not reigning over.
You  give us the  strength to use for today. And when tomorrow's  come, you will give us new hope and strength for then.

You don’t want us to worry about tomorrow. You want us to trust you for today. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone...

Blooming flowers.....

Blooming flowers like beautiful rippling sea  like a gentle kiss
You kiss me like cool rain on parching day. You appear from woods and embrace me close, face glowing with beauty of blooming flowers, but then you ... over vast rippling sea of souls when I woke suckling milk in tender arms of flower mother ... like an emerald in  pathway , and opening flowers ... of the green isle Methinks thy voice is present when I see and the blooming flower....

Love ....

… I sit you down in a chair .... Such strong shoulders. My fingers softly run up and down your biceps, appreciating their strength and tone. Goosebumps arise on your flesh . Your fingers are gliding up my back, underneath my blouse. I shiver as you find one of those hidden tickle .
My lips are on top of yours, exploring the new territory; I pause for a moment to nibble gently on your bottom lip. You respond by opening your mouth just a little bit and our tongues touch. Sparks fly and I feel

how we are one ...

I want .....

I want to know your soft heartbeats, want to know your soul, want to know your body  - every crevice of your skin and know all your secrets and every nuance .I want to make you bloom like beautiful flower. I want to kiss your scars tenderly. Want to feel your senses with my scent and let you taste me in your tongue like way in  your eternal thirst I .want to look into your eyes  when i kiss you deep. Want to hear the noises you make , I want to know your body feels when it is touched by mine . Want to be the only one to ever touch your soul ...

Photographer: John Swanepoel

Chervona Verona

Photographer : Chervona Vorona: 
"I studied to be an illustrator. But my job is only remotely related to my education. First I worked as a stylist and a decorator, but photography was what I needed to complete my aspirations. A  bygone era equally inspires me. I think we have lost the essence of femininity in modern times. Fairy tales, this is the most important thing, my main inspiration, therefore, my images are of different ages, but they are all united by magic or a hint of it.

Maybe it’s because of the books read in childhood. Although I now read mostly fairy tales! Imagination is very important in my work! But of no less importance are things like observation and resourcefulness. I have a working studio where I keep the costumes, make new decorations and sometimes even take photographs. I really like the black-and-white photography, but I always prefer the color, the entire range or color pallets, and often saturated colors. Just like my character, expressive and unrestrained"!

When you get lost ....

When you get lost - I will find you
When you get off the road -  I'll find a way for you
When you are at the bottom - I will pull you by the hand up like in a dream
When you lose faith - you'll find shelter in my arms
When you  will not know where to go in life - I'll show you the way
When the world will not believe in us - let time  will stand still so that the night cannot separate us anymore. And when the new day comes - you will get me back again..

Feel me .......
It's hard to describe the sensation I feel when you finally feel me . I can only compare it to the first bite taken of perfectly made . You relish it as it rolls around on your tongue and allow the texture and flavor of that juicy, to engulf my mouth. Yes,  my carnal side itches to come out when I'm with you. I want your lips, tongue, touch, smile, giggles, moans—all of it. I should be happy just spooning with you and enjoying the moment, but I still remember when you loved me…..

After Making Love...

. “At first I cannot even have a sheet on me, anything at all is painful, a plate of iron laid down on my nerves, I lie there in the air as if flying rapidly without moving, and slowly I cool offhot, warm, cool, cold, icy, till the skin all over my body is ice except at those points our bodies touch like blooms of fire. After Making Love In Winter by Sharon Olds

Love Sonnet.....

"I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps. I hunger for your sleek laugh, your hands the color of a savage harvest, hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails, I want to eat your skin like a whole almond. I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body, the sovereign nose of your arrogant face, I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes, and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight, hunting for you, for your hot heart, like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue." — "Love Sonnet XI" by Pablo Neruda

Shells ....

Some words are like shells. Outside covered with colors, full of the sea noise inside. Mysterious and unexplored. Somewhere in the recesses of the sea hidden. Words from deep hearts flowing like waves torn by the wind. Like shells thrown on the sand they tell their story .....

My heart 

If silence had words wishhe would touch you like angel wings.May he take your smile and your  love to give it  to me as a whisper of wind that caresses me.May it breathe lightly on  you how a butterfly breathes and compelled you like poetry, Now the heart is happy to be loved.....

What is most important..

You lift me like I was somebody more ...
You lift me up so I can live and dream
You show me that the world is beautiful and can take on the color of
You can make all black clouds disappear, that there is another way that leads to happiness.
Because what is most important - yours  those most beautiful eyes, those lips that are still laughing, These arms - so safe. That voice that greets me every morning. This warm breath on my arm ..... because the most important thing is to have someone who is important to you and know that you are loved...

Your fingers ...

Your body like a beautiful garden and your thoughts are the seeds. And you get to choose ahat to seeds you plant on it. Your fingers like flowers dance with me like eternity and never lets me go until our bodies reach contentment as we glide together through the molecular winds, raging in ecstatic synchrony .Only your fingers can overwhelm me with warm pleasure . The way they move is always mesmerizing , the way they feel is hypnotizing whenever you are near....