Unknown souls....


Where is the closeness of unknown souls?  - comes from loneliness. Because when the world seems empty - she comes - she souls a stranger who cares for everything. In the stream of other souls, she alone is destiny. For a moment, for years, for ever ... it comes to end loneliness and you can enjoy every moment of life.

No words are needed, just a look, one breath and one blink - and for the whole life - mutual understanding....

By ferdinand-studio

Please take care of yourself ...


Please take care of yourself because you are like the sun at dawn.

Day and night I breathe you and you bring joy in 

Take care of your smile, the tenderness of your hands, the honesty you radiate around in return

Take care of yourself beloved because you fill my whole world with yourself....

By Ben Heys

Let me be in your tender..


Embrace me for hundreds of kilometers and by a thousand miles,

Let me be in your tender embrace and feel an uneven breath of love.

Let me drown in your arms and breathe love.

I open the heart of my door and hide the key from others.

He will paint his dreams with colors because  in each of them your heart breathes....

Woman and Autumn


The woman and the Autumn are similar. Autumn is capricious, and so is the woman. Autumn can be warm and sensitive and the woman surrounds you with her heart.

Autumn can be cool and cloudy, a  woman - perky and bellicose.Autumn can be rainy, a woman cries for no reason.

Where autumn is foggy, a woman surrounds herself with an aura of mystery.

Both are mutable ... because they are both similar...

Janek Sedlar

I see you in my eyes..


I see you in  my eyes.. You don't know even that I am here. Always  with you , always in my mind. 

I am here with my imperfections. I am looking on you with love ...

Photo by Sergey Schulga

Your lips..


You are talking to me, I look at your lips

and I can't hear your words

It's just letters...

But I know their taste..... God has not invented anything more delicious..

Life tastes like old kisses...


Life tastes like old kisses, it's part of my being.The most important thing is to find someone who can touch my soul without touching my body. Find someone who will make my heart beat faster without accelerating the course of events. Someone who will move my world while allowing me to stay where I want to be. And even when I am far away, I'll be much closer to you than all the people around you.....

Photo by Andrey Kels

My beloved ..

My beloved- let's be silent.We haven't seen each other for so long.What beautiful sparks are in our eyes.My soul is an empty room, there are only emotions in it.I am waiting for your reaction.We are together like naive children.Let us be silent because silence is our strength.We haven't seen each other for so long but our hearts shattered the darkness and we'll be together again...

Photo: Jan Blasco

Years go by ...

Years go by - I'm starting to notice how the arrows of time are moving.  I try to like green tea. Laughs I'm not 20 years .I'm getting old and I'm not ashamed of my tears. I appreciate comfort and a breath of fresh air. I look at the world with open eyes. And I think about friendship and about us in a different dimension. I thinks of us in a different dimension. I am happy with every moment. Life …We walk in circles on the water our happiness is a rainbow in the garden..

Photo By: Swapnil Jedhe