Someone in heaven..


Someone in heaven is praying for us. He asks forgiveness for our stupid things

Someone in heaven gives us a second Chance, and gives us hope and wisdom.

Someone in heaven whispers, just live. Leave fear and disbelief behind you

Someone in heaven loves us and believes, protects us on our way of life

Someone in heaven, He, and the Angel and Friend, are fighting for us

Someone in heaven frees us from anxiety

He heals us with faith and hope for a lifetime....

Photo by Davide Cantelli

Do you know .....


Do you know, my beloved, that there are souls made for each other?

Against evil in this or that world,

they will find themselves, they will attract and they will unite forever.

Do you know, my dear, no day will happen again no two nights are alike. 

No two looks are the same. But my beloved are souls made for themselves who believe in the voice that presses into the heart....

Photo by Denis Goliusov

My angel ...


When love appears, an angel flows between people, which no one sees except those who love each other.

We two people in a completely strange place, each seemingly looking for something different and yet going in the same direction. We finally found our place there, at the end of the world. My angel, I was looking for you when happiness was carried away by the wind. My heart is a mirror and still looking for your reflection.

My angel, I love your body, soul and breath. It's romantic. Love is not a whim.Our  love is not a flower that fades with age. Our love is a choice linked to action,  and I choose you and I will choose you every day for the rest of my life....

Photo by Лозгачев Алексей

Of the night ...


Our bodies are entwined in a loving embrace. Wrapped in a soft mantle of night and a starry sky.

Burning in trembling madness of pleasure, we embrace our longing in the arms of the night ...

Photograph : Vasil Baltaev

Touch me ..


My body is waiting for your hands, when you paint love with your fingers.

You replenish me, when you draw patterns of love on me

and my skin feels your passion.

So, dear, touch me tenderly, because over and over again...

I want to feel the chills enveloping me with all the pleasure

Touch me as always, she wants to burn again and drown in the sweet ocean of feelings.

Touch me  tenderly .. I want to feel your body against my body, like heat from a devilish angel ....

by Jo-Cookee

Delicate raindrops...


Delicate raindrops run down velvet petals .. this is how love is born,

This is how you love in the natural rhythm of flowing water,. As we are already in our arms, we smile like flowers giving birth to new petals.

Small drop  hesitates when indulging in a wonderful moment. This is how it feels when love prevails over reason.

Water drops run down the petals of the flower ... our happiness locked in drops of water and only free thoughts find the way

to our trembling lips, moist with emotion, like a weeping leaf.

And you become the sun in a crystal drop in my heart

you pulsate with fulfillment ....

Photo by Dustin Humen

The dance of life ....


Like a body that trembles in all its nakedness, thirsty for touch.

You wrap your arms around my whole body.

With your warm breath you blow through my hair, sinking your fingers into it completely.

With a soft trembling hand you wander over the body you love.

I creep silently into your mouth to taste sweet bliss

The dance of life ... as dragonflies dancing over the wave in the pond. We will dance the waltz of fulfillment ...

Photo: Evgeny TOLKACHEV

There are several roads leading to the top...


Apparently, there are several roads leading to the top, it is only up to us which one we choose.

Happiness comes from a combination of thousands of factors. There is no golden recipe for them. This does not mean that there is no point in applying for it. Living beyond love is absolutely unhappy and unbearable. Unloved man becomes an enemy to himsel. We were created by Love, and apart from love, we have neither the present nor the future.

„There is a kind of happiness that is being in the right place at the right time, a kind of inspiration that only tells you how to do the right thing in the right way, and all of this comes only when we clear the heart of ambitions, goals, and plans when we surrender this fortunate, providential moment entirely „ Gregory D. Robrts

A slave to self is someone who lives without love. He uses his thinking to deceive himself. He uses emotional sensitivity to hate himself and others. He uses conscience to mix good and bad. He uses freedom in such a way that he loses it. And while life is about more than being happy, happiness gives us freedom and an inspirational heart. Love is an inspiration to search for meaning. It is discovering inner beauty, discovering your own soul…

     Fm  Erez Marom

Clasped hands...


Clasped hands, joined souls. Dancing kisses on the lips .. Loving hearts beating with one rhythm .. 

Like a Bach prelude, like a mazurka by Chopin .. a wild dance of passion

They have taken over our minds, they have taken over our bodies.

They burst into our souls leaving me nothing. A wonderful huge hurricane ... two people listening, looking at each other they scream about love in a whisper of kisses.

They keep asking for words passionately ... 

Photo : Anton Robert

Our way ..


The theater of life is a stage for each of us. We are actors and directors in one.

 Each of us has a space in which he is exclusively alone.

 The two of us ... we don't have masks - we are ...

We are not looking for approval, we are for ourselves. 

In the brutal life ... we put on masks to survive.

Actors of their own lives ... because each personality has its own world.

It is important to have a purpose in life and move forward boldly.

 Very often we gone to the  place elsewhere than wanted,but  no matter where we get, our efforts and attempts count. 

The fact that we will persevere on this path is a great achievement, for the two of us ... our own way ...

                               Photo : Ilya Govolin

Wait for ...


You have to be able to wait. Wait for happiness, wait for a person, wait for a moment of love, wait for a meeting.

Love .... waiting for rustles, letters, knocking on the door.

Longing -  tremendous,  everyday life, loneliness, wind, moods, helplessness. Wait for this wonderful moment of reconciliation.

Waiting time is not wasted time.Iit is a state of being that carries its own wealth. There is no reason to love because you love  for nothing.

Because youth is a feeling that cannot be demanded; it is a gift, not an achievement ...

Yakubov Ruslan

Be your way ...


How many people there are in the world, so many paths in life. Each of us is a traveler, everyone has a goal and hopes. And when tired, he asks for help - support him.

Everyone chooses their own path - the path of war and the path of love. Everyone asks questions and looks for answers.

The answers are in our hearts. You just have to listen to them. The heart knows the secret, it is your guide. Be your ship in a stormy sea of life. Keep smiling because behind a smile no one will ever know what's really hidden underneath it.

Be your way ...

Photo : Svetlana Efimova

Colorful leaves...


Colorful leaves, multi-colored, wandering on the way - a fairy-tale, unique atmosphere. The sun's rays, which penetrate the trees like a sweet touch, caress our bodies.

Absolute silence, peace, humid air, birds singing and your arms - a balm for the body and soul.

Pampered with the beauty around us, we are, we remain as in a dream - together - the only ones on the planet.....

Love ...


Love - this is the topic I am looking for in all movies, books and series. In everyday and unusual life. In the color of the sky and in the chill of the wind. In my heart and in the hearts of those I look at.

A bottomless feeling. It is like the heat of infinity in your embrace, the endless sea that never dries up. Your smile full of trust. This feeling in your soul .....lives in us and it will never end ...

Photo : Alexandr Shebanov

The magic of love ..


Your beautiful eyes, the most beautiful I've ever seen ...

perceive the depths of your soul in them.

Your love is a gleam in the eye that cannot be hidden in any way. and your smile which is truest when your eyes are smiling at the same time.

A smile that wanders at the corners of your mouth.

Movements, tenderness and care. And your gaze full of devotion and delight, like a fleeting moment that still lasts.

Love is when you feel at home. Right here where you should be. Love is tender arms you want to come back to and a smile you always want to see. And good, "laughing" dear eyes ...

Love - when you get up in the morning, you smile at the memories and the same morning he calls for no reason, asks how you are and sends kisses from the other side of the world. 

The Magic of Love …

Photography :Svetlana Efimova

Like a spell....


Like a spell - if you ever find your other half by chance, then a strange spell falls on you, strangely one becomes close, wonderful and loved, so that even for a short time you do not want to separate from each other. Two souls, apparently, want one thing, and when one has desires, the other senses it and guesses it.  

Because happy is the one who knows his place next to his beloved....

Phtographer : Курлянцев Алексей

You are so close..


Don't ask me about my dreams, you're so close there.

A second hesitating in my heart, whether it was dream or reality.

I worry not to scare this moment away unintentionally.

From a longing heart and mutual tenderness. Words - it is a call of delight, somewhere in the recesses of the soul it screams to you. In the space of fleeting moments, in the wind, which plays beautifully I catch your desires and hold them in my arms.

Somewhere in the middle of this world you are so close ...

         photographer : Pavel Ermakov

Sex and love ....


Sex is determined by power and charm. It is something in a beautiful relationship, very delicate. Love needs time and a sense of security. Sex thrives when we enjoy it in an atmosphere of unconditional love, in fact no one will discover perfect sex unless they understand how to give and receive perfect love. Sex is the union of the heart and body. Your heart is not empty but swollen with love because it has found someone to whom it has given love

But the truth is, if you can't express love except through sex, then it's not true love....

photo: Skripnikov Alexandr

Your eyes...


Your eyes, your voice, your fleeting smile

the wind that rubs against your face still trembles in me and like a bird, it dissolves in the air and fades away.

The scent of musk in damp hair disturbs the peace in sleepless nights. Eyes so shining, hearts are on fire, minds soak up two statements.

You are drowning in my embrace .You are whispering with your eyes ... O words ... Those not written yet . Great dance begins in my fearful soul.

A huge hurricane swells to get my thoughts back to me. 

Your eyes ...

Photographer : Evgeny Loza

Love is enchanted in music...


Love is enchanted in music, dressed in a blue of flowers forget-me-nots and cornflowers.

A linden flower is falling on our heads in love. Like two pearls in the ocean of life, we are drowning in the music.

Love spells music, flutter of the eyelids and a quiet smile of thought - this is you ... The silence of the lips and the pulse of our hearts - music - the string of our souls. And I listen to the wind that sighs somewhere in the distance,

and I look at flowers - those with souls. On a sea of music, no longer lonely, no longer without a rudder. A boat, light from madness, we sail together to the sounds of music ..

Photo : Gorzycki Robert

Days go by ...

Days go by, nights go by .. time goes by and I still miss you. Life without you is not my world.

It is unimaginable longing is just  our constant "friend"

I can't find a place for myself, staring at the sky

I look at the stars that show the way.

Somewhere far away is my beloved but as the air escapes into the distance.

The day will come when we will get back together. Your touch, smell, look will come back.

What does not exist today will come back to us

A dream love, not a dreaming of  love ....

photographer : Gorzycki Robert

Photographer Evgeny Loza

Evgeny Loza  - Photographer from Israel .

       He specializes in artistic portraits.

                    He shows beautiful women , kids...