What is most important..

You lift me like I was somebody more ...
You lift me up so I can live and dream
You show me that the world is beautiful and can take on the color of
You can make all black clouds disappear, that there is another way that leads to happiness.
Because what is most important - yours  those most beautiful eyes, those lips that are still laughing, These arms - so safe. That voice that greets me every morning. This warm breath on my arm ..... because the most important thing is to have someone who is important to you and know that you are loved...

Your fingers ...

Your body like a beautiful garden and your thoughts are the seeds. And you get to choose ahat to seeds you plant on it. Your fingers like flowers dance with me like eternity and never lets me go until our bodies reach contentment as we glide together through the molecular winds, raging in ecstatic synchrony .Only your fingers can overwhelm me with warm pleasure . The way they move is always mesmerizing , the way they feel is hypnotizing whenever you are near....

Crazy dance

Crazy dance  ♪

Warm , sensitive nectar touching my lips . You touch  my soul by your one word. You go deep into my abyss, cherish , my every silence and fill all my voids with the essence of our love.
One words from millions breathe , one word but means more than all frazes. Me in your soul  - singing with your touch. Me with you entangled in the crazy love dance....

photographer Lindsay Adler

Lindsay Adler is an American portrait and fashion photographer from Manhattan, New York.

Touch me.....

Touch me , touch me now ...

My  body spins in a wonderful dance. You move over   me through a decade of dreaming.You way is to come very close  - you touch my skin.your fingers rested on the threshold of touching my breast.  Your fingers running over my skin - over my face, my stomach, my arms, my back, my sides, my ears...nothing else in the world matches what I feel when you touch me like that, in the most tender and intense of ways.
You are drawing many lines with your hands
You are weaving the dream that never ends
When you touch me ...I feeling your skin
When  you touch me ... deep within
You will break your silence on your way to me
You will make everything want  me to be

When you touch me...

 Deep love ...

When I close my eyes I see only you. I breathe your name like a prayer. I feel your fragrance-sweet as rose in full bloom. Like ocean waves whenever they meet the shore, binding me to your will in extends beyond space in time . Love is a natural state of mind. So fall for someone is also natural. Deep love is often unexplainable. You can’t explain why it happens, or how, and you can’t instruct others how to find it, but when you do find it, you’ll be able to decipher deep love from all the rest...